


Torque Tester Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

トルクテスターの動向と予測 トルクテスター市場の将来は、電気・電子製造業、自動車・航空宇宙産業、プラスチック・ポリマー製造業の各市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。トルクテスター市場... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測によると、製品タイプ別では、トルクテスターは自動車分野で様々な用途に使用されているため、予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 用途別では、自動車と航空宇宙産業が、自動車の初期開発および生産時に導入されるため、最大セグメントであり続けるだろう。
- 地域別では、急速な工業化によりAPACが予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げると予想されている。



- デジタル技術の統合:トルクテスターの統合における主要トレンドは、トルクテスターを高精度で使いやすいものにするデジタル技術である。デジタルディスプレイとデータロギングにより、測定精度が向上し、分析が容易になります。このトレンドは、リアルタイムデータの質を向上させ、多様な産業におけるより良い品質管理と業務効率のための人的ミスを減らします。
- 自動化とインダストリー4.0:トルク試験機に自動化とインダストリー4.0技術を採用する傾向が強まっている。自動化されたトルク試験機は、IoTやロボット工学の統合とともに、効率を改善し、リアルタイムのモニタリングやデータ収集を可能にすることで、試験のプロセスを容易にする。これにより、高度な製造手法をサポートし、全体的な生産品質を向上させることができる。
- ワイヤレスとコネクテッド・ソリューション:ワイヤレスおよびコネクテッド・トルク・テスターへの移行が加速している。このようなソリューションでは、ワークフローを改善し、物理的な接続の必要性を減らす遠隔からのアクセスと分析が利点となる。さらに、接続性の向上により、リアルタイムのデータ伝送や他のデジタルシステムとの統合が可能になり、製造プロセスの監視と制御がさらに進む。
- 携帯性と操作性の重視:ポータブルで操作しやすいトルクテスターの使用と需要が増加している。設計と技術の改善により、このツールは無数の用途でより使いやすくなっています。ポータブルトルクテスターは、利便性と柔軟性により、現場での試験やメンテナンス業務に最適です。
- 適合性と規格の重視:国際規格や地域規格が市場に影響を与え続ける中、より多くのメーカーが、最も厳格な品質・安全基準への完全な適合を保証する設計機能に焦点を当てています。トルクテスターは、信頼性と精度を維持しながら適切な測定を提供します。ほとんどの製造工程は、規制要件と品質の一貫性によって推進されています。




- 進化したデジタルトルクテスター:進化したデジタルトルクテスターは、精度と使いやすさを大幅に改善しました。新しいデジタルトルクテスターは、正確なトルク測定とデータの容易な分析を可能にするデジタルディスプレイ、データロギング、高度な校正オプションを誇っています。この開発により、産業界全体でより良い品質管理と作業効率が実現されています。
- 自動化システムとの統合:トルクテスターはオートメーションとの統合が進んでおり、試験をより迅速かつ正確に行えるようになっています。完全に自動化されたトルクテスターやロボットと統合されたトルクテスターは、操作や手作業を簡素化すると同時に、インダストリー4.0をサポートするリアルタイムのデータ収集と分析を可能にします。
- ワイヤレス技術の導入:無線技術の使用は、ユーザーが離れた場所からデータを入手し、接続性を高めるために、トルク試験機への適応がますます進んでいる。ワイヤレストルクテスターは、他のデジタルシステムが統合されていれば、ワークフローを改善し、物理的な接続を含めることなく、リアルタイムでデータを送信することができる。
- 国際規格への適合の重視:トルクテスターが安全規格や品質規格に適合していることを確認しようとする製造企業の意識が高まっている。その焦点は、幅広い用途で最も厳しい規制要件や性能要件を満たす装置を作ることです。規格への適合は、市場での信頼と信用を築くのに役立ちます。




- 新興市場:特に新興市場における産業活動の増加は、さらなる成長のための非常にユニークな機会を提供します。地域固有のニーズに対応した費用対効果が高く信頼性の高いトルクテスターの開発により、製造業や自動車産業での事業拡大を可能にする新たなビジネスを獲得することができる。
- スマート&コネクテッド・ソリューション:スマート&コネクテッドトルクテスターへの投資による成長側面。リアルタイムアクセスや遠隔監視のためのIoTや無線技術の統合は、主要プレーヤーが効率を高め、航空宇宙・防衛、自動車、医療などの産業からの高度な試験ソリューションの需要に応えるのに役立つ。
- ポータブルで人間工学に基づいたモデルの開発:人間工学に基づいて設計されたポータブル・トルク試験機の需要が高まっている。現場での使用を想定した使いやすいモデルは、柔軟性と扱いやすさを必要とする業界のニーズに応え、新たな市場セグメントを開拓しています。
- エネルギー効率の高い持続可能なソリューションへの注力:エネルギー効率の高い持続可能なソリューションを求める傾向が強まる中、成長の可能性は計り知れない。最小限のエネルギー消費で環境に優しい材料を使用したトルク試験機の開発は、持続可能性のトレンドと規制要件に沿ったものであり、環境意識の高い顧客にとって魅力的なものとなる。
- 業界標準準拠の向上:トルク試験機が厳しい業界標準に適合することを保証する戦略的成長は、それゆえチャンスとなる。安全性と精度に関する地域規格への準拠は、信頼性が高く準拠した試験ソリューションを求める顧客を惹きつける信頼性の要因となり得る。




- 精度と制御における品質への要求の高まり:トルクテスターの進歩は、製造業や自動車産業における精度と品質管理に対する要求の高まりに対応している。トルクを正確に測定することは、製品の品質や適合性において最も重要であるため、同市場を牽引している。
- 技術の進歩:トルクテスター市場の成長は、デジタルインターフェースや自動化といった急速な技術改良の結果である。新技術は測定精度をさらに高め、試験プロセスを迅速化し、取り扱いを容易にするため、市場の成長と発展を促進している。
- 産業および自動車部門の拡大:世界中で産業部門と自動車部門が増加し、トルクテスターの需要が増加する。成長産業では、より堅牢で正確なトルク測定ソリューションへのニーズが高まっており、この考え方は市場成長の増加要因のひとつとなる。
- 規制コンプライアンス要件:より高い安全性と精度を求める規制の強化により、企業は先進的なトルク試験機の導入を余儀なくされている。これらの規格への適合は、製品の信頼性と市場の受容に役立つため、試験ソリューションの開発と需要に影響を与え、成長を促進する。
- 自動化とインダストリー4.0への注目の高まり:最近では、自動化とインダストリー4.0技術のトレンドにより、トルクテスター市場は全く新しい次元に突入している。トルクテスターを自動化システムやデジタルソリューションと統合することで、データ精度の効率化が図られ、各分野で先進的な試験技術の利用が推進される要因となっている。
- 先端技術のコスト高:これは、トルクテスターに使用される先端技術のために過大な開発コストが発生するためと考えられ、市場成長の阻害要因の1つとなっている。製造企業は、斬新なソリューションの開発においてコストと性能の均衡を共有しなければならないため、複数の顧客にとって製品が手の届かないものとなり、潜在的な市場から遠ざかってしまう可能性がある。
- 統合と互換性の問題:既存のシステムとの統合や互換性の問題は必ず発生する。新しいトルクテスターが既存のインフラや進行中のプロセスをどこまで補完できるかは、広く受け入れられ効果的に展開するために非常に重要である。
- 規制遵守の複雑さ:複雑な規制要件を遵守し、多くの規格に準拠することは、管理が難しいかもしれません。メーカーは、進化する規制について常に最新情報を入手し、開発プロセスや市場参入に影響する必要な認証をすべてクリアする必要がある。




- スターテバント・リッチモント
- メクメシン
- フレキシブルアセンブリ
- イマダ
- ラボシンク
- バフコ
- セキュアパック




- 電気式
- 油圧式
- 機械式
- 空気圧


- トルクゲージ
- トルクテスター
- トルク校正器
- トルクメーター
- スクリュードライバー


- ハンドヘルド
- ポータブル
- ベンチトップ


- 電気・製造
- 自動車・航空宇宙産業
- プラスチック&ポリマー製造
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、トルク試験機における最近の発展は、デジタル技術と自動化の搭載である。新しいモデルは、デジタル表示とデータロギングにより、使いやすさとさらなる精度を誇っている。先進的なトルクテスターの需要は、国の厳しい業界標準と、製造中や自動車での適切なトルク測定の必要性から派生している可能性がある。また、トルクテスターがワイヤレス化され、ワイヤレス接続されることで、現場でのデータ分析がリアルタイムで行われるようになり、ワークフローが統合される傾向にある。
- 中国中国では、品質管理の重視とともに産業活動が活発化しているため、トルクテスター市場は増加傾向にある。最近の動向には、先進的でありながら手頃な価格のトルク試験ソリューションの展開が含まれる。これらは、同国における製造業の成長と品質基準の厳格化に促されている。国内メーカーは、国内規格と国際規格の両方を念頭に置きながら、デジタルインターフェースや校正精度の向上などの新機能を追加しようとしています。また、作業効率を向上させるポータブルでユーザーフレンドリーなトルクテスターも求められている。
- ドイツ:この国はトルク試験技術の先進国の一つであり、精度と欧州規格への適合に重点を置いています。高精度で堅牢なトルク試験機の分野では、最先端の校正機能とデジタルインターフェースを備えた革新的な製品が登場しています。ドイツ企業は、トルク試験機をIoTや自動化などのインダストリー4.0技術といち早く統合し、精度を向上させながら品質管理プロセスをスピードアップしている。
- インドインドのトルクテスター市場は、手頃な価格でありながら信頼性の高い機械に焦点を当てて成長している。最近の動向としては、精度と性能に妥協しない手頃な価格のモデルがある。この市場における最新の技術革新には、製造業や自動車産業の拡大を念頭に置いた、トルクテスターの使いやすさと携帯性の向上が含まれる。正確なトルク測定と国際的な品質基準の必要性から、トレンドはデジタルトルクテスターへと変わりつつある。
- 日本:技術の進歩は、精度への幅広い焦点とともに、日本のトルク試験機市場を定義しているように思われる。校正とデータ管理の新機能を実現するために、先進的な高精度デジタルトルクテスターが新たに発売された。日本のメーカーはまた、トルク試験機と最先端の自動化システムやロボットとの統合を強調し、それによって試験効率と精度を高めている。自動車産業とエレクトロニクス産業の両方で厳しい品質基準が市場を牽引しており、そのため最新のトルク測定ソリューションが求められている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.5: スクリュードライバー型トルクテスター
3.5: モジュラリティ別トルクテスター世界市場
3.5.1: ハンドヘルド
3.6.2: 自動車・航空宇宙産業
3.6.3: プラスチック&ポリマー製造

4.5: ROWトルクテスター市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: フレキシブルアッセンブリー
7.4: イマダ
7.5: ラブシンク
7.6: BAHCO
7.7: セキュアパック





Torque Tester Trends and Forecast

The future of the torque tester market looks promising with opportunities in the electrical and electronics manufacturing, automobile and aerospace industry, and plastic and polymer manufacturing markets. The torque tester market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 7.2% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for accurate torque measurements and the growing trend of automation.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, torque testers are expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to their usefulness in the automobile sector for a variety of applications.
• Within the application category, the automobile and aerospace industries will remain the largest segment due to their deployment during the initial development and production of automobiles.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to rapid industrialization.
Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Torque Tester Market

The torque tester market is subjected to several emerging trends impelled by technological advancements, changing industrial requirements, and a surge in demand for precision and efficiency. These set the future of torque testing and change in market dynamics.

• Integration of Digital Technologies: The major trend in torque tester integration is digital technologies that make torque testers highly accurate and user-friendly. Digital displays and data logging help enhance the accuracy of measurement and facilitate easy analysis. This trend improves the quality of real-time data and reduces human error for better quality control and operational efficiency across diversified industries.
• Automation and Industry 4.0: The trend of adopting automation and Industry 4.0 technologies in torque testers is growing. Automated torque testers, together with IoT and robotics integrations, make the process of testing easier by improving efficiency and allowing real-time monitoring and data collection. This will support advanced manufacturing practices and improve overall production quality.
• Wireless and Connected Solutions: The transition toward wireless and connected torque testers is gaining momentum. In such solutions, the advantages would be access and analytics remotely that improve workflow and also reduce the need for physical connections. Furthermore, enhanced connectivity enables the use of real-time data transmission and integration with other digital systems to advance the monitoring and control of manufacturing processes further.
• Focus on Portability and Ease of Operation: There is an increasing usage and demand for portable and easy-to-operate torque testers. Design and technology improvements are making the tool more user-friendly in myriad applications. Portable torque testers find their best application in field testing and maintenance chores due to convenience and flexibility.
• Focus on Conformity and Standards: With international and regional standards continuing to influence the market, more manufacturers have focused on design features that ensure complete compliance with the most exacting quality and safety criteria. The torque testers will provide proper measurements while sustaining reliability and accuracy. Most of the manufacturing processes are driven by regulatory requirements and consistency in quality.

A combination of digital technologies, automation, wireless solutions, portability, and standardization are the present emerging trends in the global torque tester market. These forces for innovation further enhance efficiency and measurement accuracy to meet changing industry requirements.

Recent Developments in the Torque Tester Market

Recent developments in the torque tester market show an upward trend of technological advancements, demands for increased precision, and shifting industry standards. These changes have implications for the performance and functionality of the torque testers themselves, as well as their application, across diverse industries.

• Advanced Digital Torque Testers: Advanced digital torque testers have greatly improved accuracy and ease of use. New digital torque testers boast digital displays, data logging, and advanced calibration options that allow for accurate torque measurement and easy analysis of the data. This development is enabling better quality control and operational efficiency across industries.
• Integration with Automation Systems: Torque testers are increasingly integrated with automation, making testing faster and more accurate. Fully automated torque testers and those integrated with robotics simplify the operation and manual involvement while allowing real-time data collection and analysis in support of Industry 4.0.
• Introduction of Wireless Technology: The use of wireless technologies is increasingly being adapted to torque testers for users to have data from a distance and for increased connectivity. The wireless torque tester will be able to send data in real-time if other digital systems are integrated, improving workflow and without the inclusion of any physical connections.
• Emphasis on Conformity with International Standards: There is increased consciousness by the manufacturing companies to make sure their torque testers comply with safety and quality standards. The focus is to make sure the devices come out to meet the most heated regulatory and performance requirements for a wide range of applications. Compliance with standards helps build trust and credibility in the market.

Recent advancements in advanced digital technology, integration of automation, portability, wireless solutions, and compliance with standards are driving growth and innovation in the Global Torque Tester market. These enhance accuracy, efficiency, and user experience, catering to the latest needs of the industry

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Torque Tester Market

The torque tester market has a lot of strategic growth opportunities in various applications, driven by rapidly changing technologies, increasing demand for precision, and evolving needs of the industry.

• Emerging Markets: The increase in Industrial activities, especially in the emerging markets, provides a very unique opportunity for further growth. The development of cost-effective, reliable torque testers with region-specific needs allows the capture of new businesses to enable expansion in the manufacturing and automotive sectors.
• Smart and Connected Solutions: Growth aspects of investment in smart and connected torque testers. The integration of IoT and wireless technologies for real-time access and remote monitoring will help key players enhance efficiency and meet the demand for advanced testing solutions from industries such as aerospace and defense, automotive, and medical.
• Development of Portable and Ergonomic Models: There is an increasing demand for portable torque testers designed on ergonomic grounds. Easy-to-use models intended for application in field use meet the needs of industries that require flexibility and ease of handling, thus opening new market segments.
• Focus on Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Solutions: With the increasing trend toward energy-efficient and sustainable solutions, the avenue for growth is immense. The development of torque testers utilizing eco-friendly materials with minimum energy consumption will be in line with the sustainability trends and regulatory requirements, thus adding to their attraction for environmentally-conscious customers.
• Improvement in Industry Standards Compliance: Strategic growth in ensuring torque testers meet stringent industry standards, therefore presenting an opportunity. Adherence to regional standards on safety and accuracy can be a credibility factor in attracting customers seeking reliable and compliant testing solutions.

Strategic growth opportunities in expanding markets, smart technologies, portability, sustainability, and standards are the factors driving the shape of the torque tester market. It is these opportunities that drive innovation, further development in the marketplace, and alignment with the changing industry needs and regulations.

Torque Tester Market Driver and Challenges

The torque tester market can be driven by, and hindered by, various factors, including technological development, the economic scenario, and regulatory requirements. Factors like these would influence market growth, innovation, and efficiency in operations.

The factors responsible for driving the torque tester market include:
• Increased demand for quality in precision and control: Advances in torque testers address the rising demands of precision and quality control in industries manufacturing and automotive. The precise measuring of torque is of paramount importance in such matters of product quality and conformity, and hence the same market is being driven.
• Technological Advancements: The growth in the torque tester market is a result of rapid technological improvements identified as digital interface and automation. New technologies further enhance measurement accuracy, hasten the testing process, and facilitate easier handling, thus fostering the growth and development of the market.
• Expansion of Industrial and Automotive Sectors: Rising industrial and automotive sectors around the world will add to the demand for torque testers. In growing industries, the need for more robust and accurate torque measurement solutions increases, and this tenet will form one of the factors that contribute toward increased market growth.
• Regulatory Compliance Requirements: Stricter regulatory compliances for higher safety and accuracy demands are forcing companies to adopt advanced torque testers. Conforming to these standards helps in product reliability and market acceptance, thus driving growth by influencing development and demand in testing solutions.
• Growing Focus on Automation and Industry 4.0: In recent times, the torque tester market is taking a whole new dimension due to the trends of automation and Industry 4.0 technologies. The integration of torque testers with automated systems and digital solutions provides enhanced efficiency in data accuracy, and these are factors that may contribute to the drive to use advanced testing technologies in the respective sectors.
Challenges in the torque tester market are:
• Advanced Technology Costliness: This may be due to excessive development costs because of the advanced technology used in torque testers, which becomes one of the major factors acting as a restraint to market growth. Manufacturing companies have to share the cost and performance equilibrium in the development of novel solutions, which can make products unaffordable for several customers and hold them back from potential markets.
• Integration and Compatibility Issues: There are bound to be some integration and compatibility issues with pre-existing systems. How far a new torque tester will be able to complement the existing infrastructure and ongoing processes is very important to ensure wide acceptance and effective deployment.
• Complexity in Compliance with Regulations: Complex regulatory requirements, observing them, and being compliant with many standards may be difficult to manage. The manufacturers should keep themselves updated about evolving regulations, and their products pass all the necessary certification that affects the development process and entry into the market.

The factors that drive the Torque Tester market include demand for precision, technological advancement, sector expansion, regulatory requirements, and automation trends. Yet, all these challenges are to be overcome with high costs of technologies, issues related to integration, and regulatory compliance complexity. These drivers and challenges combine to shape the market landscape that is helping both growth and innovation in their ways.

List of Torque Tester Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies torque tester companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the torque tester companies profiled in this report include-

• Sturtevant Richmont
• Mecmesin
• Flexible Assembly
• Imada
• Labthink
• SecurePak

Torque Tester by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global torque tester by function type, product type, modularity, application, and region.

Torque Tester Market by Function Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Electric
• Hydraulic
• Mechanical
• Pneumatic

Torque Tester Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Torque Gauges
• Torque Testers
• Torque Calibrators
• Torque Meter
• Screwdrivers Torque Testers

Torque Tester Market by Modularity [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Handheld
• Portable
• Bench Top

Torque Tester Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Electrical & Manufacturing
• Automobile & Aerospace Industry
• Plastic & Polymer Manufacturing
• Others

Torque Tester Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Torque Tester Market

The torque tester market has been changing in the last few decades, depending on technological development and more precision requirements in different industries. The torque testers used to measure and calibrate torque applied to fasteners are under development into new kinds of accuracy, automation, and connectivity. Key developments depend upon regulatory standards, technological advancement, and industry-specific needs in major markets, including the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan.

• United States: In the United States, the latest development that has been propagated recently in torque testers is the inclusion of digital technologies and automation. Newer models boast further accuracy with ease of use due to digital readouts and data logging. The demand for advanced torque testers could be derived from the tight industry standards of the country and the need for proper torque measurement while manufacturing and in automotive. It is also a trend for torque testers to go wireless and wirelessly connected for on-site data analysis in real-time, therefore integrating the workflow.
• China: The torque tester market is on the rise in China due to increasing industrial activities, along with an emphasis on quality control. Recent developments include the deployment of advanced, yet affordable torque testing solutions. These have been prompted by the growth of the manufacturing sector and the tightening of quality standards in the country. Domestic manufacturers are trying to add new features like digital interfaces and improvements in the accuracy of calibration, keeping in mind both domestic and international standards. Portable and user-friendly torque testers are also in demand that improve operational efficiency.
• Germany: This country is one of those countries where torque test technologies are being advanced, putting much emphasis on precision and meeting European standards. Innovations in the field of highly accurate and robust torque testers have been introduced, fitted with state-of-the-art calibration features and digital interfaces. German companies are among the first to integrate torque testers with Industry 4.0 technologies like IoT and automation, which speed up quality control processes while improving their accuracy.
• India: The Indian Torque Tester market is growing with a focus on affordable but reliable machines. Some of the recent developments include affordable models that do not compromise on their accuracy and performance. The latest innovations in this market involve easing the use and portability of torque testers, keeping in mind the expansion of the manufacturing and automotive industries. The need for accurate torque measurement and quality standards set internationally therefore means that the trend is changing towards digital torque testers.
• Japan: Technology advancement, along with a wide focus on precision, seems to define the torque testers market in Japan. New launches have been made with advanced high-precision digital torque testers to achieve new capabilities of calibration and data management. Japanese manufacturers also stress the integration of torque testers with cutting-edge automation systems and robotics, thereby raising testing efficiency and accuracy. Stringent quality standards in both automotive and electronic industries drive the market, thus demanding the latest torque measurement solutions.

Features of the Torque Tester Market

Market Size Estimates: Global torque tester market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Global torque tester market size by various segments, such as by function type, product type, modularity, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Global torque tester market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different function type, product type, modularity, application, and regions for the torque tester market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the torque tester market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the torque tester market by function type (electric, hydraulic, mechanical, and pneumatic), product type (torque gauges, torque testers, torque calibrators, torque meter, and screwdrivers torque testers), modularity (handheld, portable, and bench top), application (electrical & manufacturing, automobile & aerospace industry, plastic & polymer manufacturing, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Torque Tester Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Torque Tester Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Torque Tester Market by Function Type
3.3.1: Electric
3.3.2: Hydraulic
3.3.3: Mechanical
3.3.4: Pneumatic
3.4: Global Torque Tester Market by Product Type
3.4.1: Torque Gauges
3.4.2: Torque Testers
3.4.3: Torque Calibrators
3.4.4: Torque Meter
3.4.5: Screwdrivers Torque Testers
3.5: Global Torque Tester Market by Modularity
3.5.1: Handheld
3.5.2: Portable
3.5.3: Bench Top
3.6: Global Torque Tester Market by Application
3.6.1: Electrical & Manufacturing
3.6.2: Automobile & Aerospace Industry
3.6.3: Plastic & Polymer Manufacturing
3.6.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Torque Tester Market by Region
4.2: North American Torque Tester Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Torque Gauges, Torque Testers, Torque Calibrators, Torque Meter, and Screwdrivers Torque Testers
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Electrical & Manufacturing, Automobile & Aerospace Industry, Plastic & Polymer Manufacturing, and Others
4.3: European Torque Tester Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Torque Gauges, Torque Testers, Torque Calibrators, Torque Meter, and Screwdrivers Torque Testers
4.3.3: European Torque Tester Market by Application: Electrical & Manufacturing, Automobile & Aerospace Industry, Plastic & Polymer Manufacturing, and Others
4.4: APAC Torque Tester Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Torque Gauges, Torque Testers, Torque Calibrators, Torque Meter, and Screwdrivers Torque Testers
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Electrical & Manufacturing, Automobile & Aerospace Industry, Plastic & Polymer Manufacturing, and Others
4.5: ROW Torque Tester Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Torque Gauges, Torque Testers, Torque Calibrators, Torque Meter, and Screwdrivers Torque Testers
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Electrical & Manufacturing, Automobile & Aerospace Industry, Plastic & Polymer Manufacturing, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Torque Tester Market by Function Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Torque Tester Market by Product Type
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Torque Tester Market by Modularity
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Torque Tester Market by Application
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Torque Tester Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Torque Tester Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Torque Tester Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Torque Tester Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Sturtevant Richmont
7.2: Mecmesin
7.3: Flexible Assembly
7.4: Imada
7.5: Labthink
7.6: BAHCO
7.7: SecurePak







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