![]() バーチャル・プロテクタリングの世界市場インサイト、2030年までの予測Global Virtual Proctoring Market Insights, Forecast to 2030 バーチャル試験監督とは、どこからでも試験を受けることができるデジタル形式の評価を指します。オンライン試験監督では、学生やコース参加者が好きな場所で試験を受けられるよう、ソフトウェアが使用されます。... もっと見る
サマリーバーチャル試験監督とは、どこからでも試験を受けることができるデジタル形式の評価を指します。オンライン試験監督では、学生やコース参加者が好きな場所で試験を受けられるよう、ソフトウェアが使用されます。信頼性が高く、不正のない場所でなければなりません。市場分析と洞察:バーチャル試験監督の世界市場 バーチャル・プロテクタリングの世界市場は、2024年の9億7,300万米ドルから2030年には1億6,562万米ドルに成長し、予測期間中の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は9.3%になると予測されている。 バーチャル・プロクタリング市場はいくつかの要因によって牽引されている: 遠隔学習とオンライン学習:遠隔・オンライン学習:特に教育分野での遠隔・オンライン学習の急速な拡大により、効果的な評価・試験ソリューションに対するニーズが高まっている。バーチャル試験監督は、遠隔地から試験を監視・監督するための便利でスケーラブルな方法を提供します。これにより、教育機関や組織は、学問的完全性を維持し、オンライン評価における不正行為を防止することができ、バーチャル試験監督ソリューションの普及に貢献しています。 アカデミック・インテグリティと不正行為の防止バーチャル試験監督は、試験中の不正行為を抑止・検知することで、アカデミック・インテグリティ(学問の完全性)を確保するのに役立ちます。ビデオ監視、音声記録、画面共有、AIベースのアルゴリズムなど、さまざまなテクノロジーを採用し、遠隔地から受験者を監視します。バーチャル試験監督官の存在と自動試験監督システムの利用は、不正行為に対する抑止力として機能し、公正で安全な評価環境を提供する。 規制および認定基準の遵守:教育機関、専門資格認定機関、および免許認定機関は、多くの場合、安全で監督された試験を必要とする規制や認定基準を遵守しなければなりません。仮想試験監督ソリューションは、遠隔監視と受験者の認証を提供することで、このような要件を満たす方法を提供し、試験が管理されたコンプライアンスに準拠した方法で実施されることを保証します。 利便性と柔軟性:バーチャル試験監督は、受験者と教育機関の双方に利便性と柔軟性を提供します。受験者は、物理的な試験会場に出向くことなく、どこからでも試験を受けることができます。この柔軟性は、遠隔地の学習者、社会人、地理的制約のある個人のニーズに対応します。教育機関や組織にとっては、バーチャル試験監督を利用することで、物理的なテストセンターを組織・管理するためのロジスティクス上の課題が解消され、評価プロセスがよりスケーラブルで効率的になります。 技術の進歩:ビデオストリーミング、人工知能、顔認識、生体認証などの技術の進歩により、バーチャル試験監督ソリューションの機能と信頼性が大幅に向上しています。これらの進歩は、より正確な監視、不審な行動の識別の強化、ユーザー体験の向上につながっている。テクノロジーの進化に伴い、バーチャル試験監督ソリューションは、より洗練され、信頼性が高く、ユーザーフレンドリーなものとなり、市場での採用を促進しています。 費用対効果:バーチャル試験監督は、従来の対面式試験監督方法に代わるコスト効率の高い方法です。物理的な試験会場を設営し、試験監督をオンサイトで雇用し、ロジスティクスを管理することは、リソース集約的でコストがかかります。バーチャル・プロテクタリングは、こうしたコストやオーバーヘッドの多くを排除することができるため、評価プロセスを最適化し、リソースをより効率的に配分したいと考えている機関や組織にとって、魅力的な選択肢となります。 レポートの対象 本レポートは、バーチャル・プロテクタリングの世界市場規模の概要を紹介しています。2019年~2023年の過去の市場収益データ、2024年の推定値、2030年までのCAGR予測による世界市場動向の分析。 バーチャルプロテクタリングの主要生産者を調査し、主要地域と国の収益も掲載しています。バーチャル・プロテクタリングの今後の市場ポテンシャルと、この市場を様々なセグメントとサブセグメントに分類して予測するための主要地域/国の注目点のハイライト。米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ブラジル、中国、日本、韓国、東南アジア、インド、ドイツ、英国、イタリア、中東、アフリカ、その他の国々の国別データと市場価値分析。 本レポートでは、2019年から2024年までのデータで、主要企業のバーチャル・プロテクタリングの収益、市場シェア、業界ランキングに焦点を当てています。世界のバーチャルプロテクタリング市場における主要な利害関係者を特定し、その競争環境と市場ポジショニングを最近の動向とセグメント別の収益に基づいて分析します。本レポートは、利害関係者が競争状況を理解し、より多くの洞察を得て、より良い方法で事業と市場戦略を位置づけるのに役立ちます。 本レポートでは、2019年から2030年までのタイプ別、用途別のセグメントデータ、収益、成長率を分析しています。バーチャル・プロテクタリングの収益、予測成長動向、生産技術、用途、エンドユーザー産業の市場規模を評価・予測します。 市場区分 企業別 Examity PSIサービス Meazureラーニング ExamSoft (Turnitin) マーサーメトル ProctorTrack (Verificient) Inspera Kryterion プロメトリック レスポンダス スマーターサービス オナーロック プロクトリオ ProctorExam (Turnitin) ピアソンビュー プロクターフリー SMOWL テストリーチ タルビュー クエスチョンマーク テレヴィックエデュケーション エグザムスター RKインフォテック ATA ATAC シースカイランド タイプ別セグメント 高度な自動試験監督 録画試験監督 オンラインライブ試験監督 用途別セグメント 教育機関 企業 資格・免許 政府機関 その他 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 北欧諸国 その他の欧州諸国 中国 アジア(中国を除く) 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 東南アジア インド ラテンアメリカ、中東、アフリカ ブラジル メキシコ トルコ イスラエル GCC諸国 各章の概要 第1章:報告書のスコープ、各市場セグメント(製品タイプ、用途など)の市場規模、将来の発展可能性などのエグゼクティブサマリーを紹介。市場の現状と短期・中期・長期的な発展可能性についてハイレベルな見解を提供しています。 第2章: 世界および地域レベルでのバーチャルプロテクタリングの収益。各地域とその主要国の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、今後の発展見通し、市場スペース、生産能力などを紹介しています。また、市場ダイナミクス、市場の最新動向、市場の促進要因と制限要因、業界各社が直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析などを紹介します。 第3章:バーチャル・プロファイリング企業の競争環境、売上高、市場シェア、業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などを詳細に分析。 第4章:各種市場セグメントをタイプ別に分析し、各市場セグメントの収益、発展可能性などを網羅し、読者が各市場セグメントにおけるブルーオーシャン市場を見つけやすくします。 第5章:アプリケーション別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの収益、発展の可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる下流市場のブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助ける。 第6章:北米(米国・カナダ):タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の収益。 第7章:ヨーロッパ:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第8章:中国:タイプ別、用途別、セグメント別収益。 第9章:アジア(中国を除く):タイプ別、用途別、地域別、各セグメントの収益。 第10章:中東、アフリカ、ラテンアメリカ:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第11章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の説明や仕様、バーチャルプロジェクタの収益、粗利益率、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介する。 第12章 アナリストの視点/結論 目次1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.2.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.2.2 Advanced Automated Proctoring 1.2.3 Recorded Proctoring 1.2.4 Live Online Proctoring 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.3.2 Education 1.3.3 Corporate 1.3.4 Certification/Licensure 1.3.5 Government 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Perspective (2019-2030) 2.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Growth Trends by Region 2.2.1 Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 2.2.2 Virtual Proctoring Historic Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 2.2.3 Virtual Proctoring Forecasted Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 2.3 Virtual Proctoring Market Dynamics 2.3.1 Virtual Proctoring Industry Trends 2.3.2 Virtual Proctoring Market Drivers 2.3.3 Virtual Proctoring Market Challenges 2.3.4 Virtual Proctoring Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Revenue Virtual Proctoring by Players 3.1.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 3.1.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 3.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 3.3 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring, Ranking by Revenue, 2022 VS 2023 VS 2024 3.4 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Concentration Ratio 3.4.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Virtual Proctoring Revenue in 2023 3.5 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring Head office and Area Served 3.6 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring, Product and Application 3.7 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring, Date of Enter into This Industry 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Virtual Proctoring Breakdown Data by Type 4.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Historic Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 4.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Forecasted Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 5 Virtual Proctoring Breakdown Data by Application 5.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Historic Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 5.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Forecasted Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 6 North America 6.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 6.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 6.2.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 6.2.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 6.2.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 6.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 6.3.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 6.3.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 6.3.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 6.4 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country 6.4.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6.4.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 6.4.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 6.4.4 United States 6.4.5 Canada 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 7.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 7.2.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 7.2.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 7.2.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 7.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 7.3.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 7.3.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 7.3.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 7.4 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country 7.4.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 7.4.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 7.4.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 7.4.3 Germany 7.4.4 France 7.4.5 U.K. 7.4.6 Italy 7.4.7 Russia 7.4.8 Nordic Countries 8 China 8.1 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 8.2 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 8.2.1 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 8.2.2 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 8.2.3 China Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 8.3 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 8.3.1 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 8.3.2 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 8.3.3 China Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 9 Asia (excluding China) 9.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 9.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 9.2.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 9.2.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 9.2.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 9.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 9.3.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 9.3.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 9.3.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 9.4 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region 9.4.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 9.4.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 9.4.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 9.4.4 Japan 9.4.5 South Korea 9.4.6 China Taiwan 9.4.7 Southeast Asia 9.4.8 India 9.4.9 Australia 10 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America 10.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 10.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 10.2.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 10.2.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 10.2.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 10.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 10.3.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 10.3.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 10.3.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 10.4 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country 10.4.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 10.4.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 10.4.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 10.4.4 Brazil 10.4.5 Mexico 10.4.6 Turkey 10.4.7 Saudi Arabia 10.4.8 Israel 10.4.9 GCC Countries 11 Key Players Profiles 11.1 Examity 11.1.1 Examity Company Details 11.1.2 Examity Business Overview 11.1.3 Examity Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.1.4 Examity Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.1.5 Examity Recent Developments 11.2 PSI Services 11.2.1 PSI Services Company Details 11.2.2 PSI Services Business Overview 11.2.3 PSI Services Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.2.4 PSI Services Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.2.5 PSI Services Recent Developments 11.3 Meazure Learning 11.3.1 Meazure Learning Company Details 11.3.2 Meazure Learning Business Overview 11.3.3 Meazure Learning Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.3.4 Meazure Learning Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.3.5 Meazure Learning Recent Developments 11.4 ExamSoft (Turnitin) 11.4.1 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Company Details 11.4.2 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Business Overview 11.4.3 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.4.4 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.4.5 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Recent Developments 11.5 Mercer-Mettl 11.5.1 Mercer-Mettl Company Details 11.5.2 Mercer-Mettl Business Overview 11.5.3 Mercer-Mettl Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.5.4 Mercer-Mettl Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.5.5 Mercer-Mettl Recent Developments 11.6 ProctorTrack (Verificient) 11.6.1 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Company Details 11.6.2 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Business Overview 11.6.3 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.6.4 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.6.5 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Recent Developments 11.7 Inspera 11.7.1 Inspera Company Details 11.7.2 Inspera Business Overview 11.7.3 Inspera Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.7.4 Inspera Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.7.5 Inspera Recent Developments 11.8 Kryterion 11.8.1 Kryterion Company Details 11.8.2 Kryterion Business Overview 11.8.3 Kryterion Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.8.4 Kryterion Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.8.5 Kryterion Recent Developments 11.9 Prometric 11.9.1 Prometric Company Details 11.9.2 Prometric Business Overview 11.9.3 Prometric Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.9.4 Prometric Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.9.5 Prometric Recent Developments 11.10 Respondus 11.10.1 Respondus Company Details 11.10.2 Respondus Business Overview 11.10.3 Respondus Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.10.4 Respondus Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.10.5 Respondus Recent Developments 11.11 Smarter Services 11.11.1 Smarter Services Company Details 11.11.2 Smarter Services Business Overview 11.11.3 Smarter Services Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.11.4 Smarter Services Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.11.5 Smarter Services Recent Developments 11.12 Honorlock 11.12.1 Honorlock Company Details 11.12.2 Honorlock Business Overview 11.12.3 Honorlock Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.12.4 Honorlock Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.12.5 Honorlock Recent Developments 11.13 Proctorio 11.13.1 Proctorio Company Details 11.13.2 Proctorio Business Overview 11.13.3 Proctorio Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.13.4 Proctorio Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.13.5 Proctorio Recent Developments 11.14 ProctorExam (Turnitin) 11.14.1 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Company Details 11.14.2 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Business Overview 11.14.3 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.14.4 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.14.5 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Recent Developments 11.15 Pearson Vue 11.15.1 Pearson Vue Company Details 11.15.2 Pearson Vue Business Overview 11.15.3 Pearson Vue Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.15.4 Pearson Vue Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.15.5 Pearson Vue Recent Developments 11.16 ProctorFree 11.16.1 ProctorFree Company Details 11.16.2 ProctorFree Business Overview 11.16.3 ProctorFree Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.16.4 ProctorFree Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.16.5 ProctorFree Recent Developments 11.17 SMOWL 11.17.1 SMOWL Company Details 11.17.2 SMOWL Business Overview 11.17.3 SMOWL Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.17.4 SMOWL Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.17.5 SMOWL Recent Developments 11.18 TestReach 11.18.1 TestReach Company Details 11.18.2 TestReach Business Overview 11.18.3 TestReach Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.18.4 TestReach Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.18.5 TestReach Recent Developments 11.19 Talview 11.19.1 Talview Company Details 11.19.2 Talview Business Overview 11.19.3 Talview Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.19.4 Talview Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.19.5 Talview Recent Developments 11.20 Questionmark 11.20.1 Questionmark Company Details 11.20.2 Questionmark Business Overview 11.20.3 Questionmark Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.20.4 Questionmark Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.20.5 Questionmark Recent Developments 11.21 Televic Education 11.21.1 Televic Education Company Details 11.21.2 Televic Education Business Overview 11.21.3 Televic Education Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.21.4 Televic Education Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.21.5 Televic Education Recent Developments 11.22 Examstar 11.22.1 Examstar Company Details 11.22.2 Examstar Business Overview 11.22.3 Examstar Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.22.4 Examstar Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.22.5 Examstar Recent Developments 11.23 RK Infotech 11.23.1 RK Infotech Company Details 11.23.2 RK Infotech Business Overview 11.23.3 RK Infotech Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.23.4 RK Infotech Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.23.5 RK Infotech Recent Developments 11.24 ATA 11.24.1 ATA Company Details 11.24.2 ATA Business Overview 11.24.3 ATA Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.24.4 ATA Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.24.5 ATA Recent Developments 11.25 ATAC 11.25.1 ATAC Company Details 11.25.2 ATAC Business Overview 11.25.3 ATAC Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.25.4 ATAC Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.25.5 ATAC Recent Developments 11.26 Sea Sky Land 11.26.1 Sea Sky Land Company Details 11.26.2 Sea Sky Land Business Overview 11.26.3 Sea Sky Land Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.26.4 Sea Sky Land Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.26.5 Sea Sky Land Recent Developments 12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 13 Appendix 13.1 Research Methodology 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 13.1.2 Data Source 13.2 Disclaimer 13.3 Author Details
SummaryVirtual proctoring refers to a digital form of assessment which allows you to sit exams from any location. During online proctoring, the software is used to allow students and course participants sit exams at any place of their choice. It has to be somewhere reliable and free from fraud. Table of Contents1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1.2.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.2.2 Advanced Automated Proctoring 1.2.3 Recorded Proctoring 1.2.4 Live Online Proctoring 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1.3.2 Education 1.3.3 Corporate 1.3.4 Certification/Licensure 1.3.5 Government 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends 2.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Perspective (2019-2030) 2.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Growth Trends by Region 2.2.1 Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 2.2.2 Virtual Proctoring Historic Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 2.2.3 Virtual Proctoring Forecasted Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 2.3 Virtual Proctoring Market Dynamics 2.3.1 Virtual Proctoring Industry Trends 2.3.2 Virtual Proctoring Market Drivers 2.3.3 Virtual Proctoring Market Challenges 2.3.4 Virtual Proctoring Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Revenue Virtual Proctoring by Players 3.1.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 3.1.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 3.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 3.3 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring, Ranking by Revenue, 2022 VS 2023 VS 2024 3.4 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Concentration Ratio 3.4.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Virtual Proctoring Revenue in 2023 3.5 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring Head office and Area Served 3.6 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring, Product and Application 3.7 Global Key Players of Virtual Proctoring, Date of Enter into This Industry 3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Virtual Proctoring Breakdown Data by Type 4.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Historic Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 4.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Forecasted Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 5 Virtual Proctoring Breakdown Data by Application 5.1 Global Virtual Proctoring Historic Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 5.2 Global Virtual Proctoring Forecasted Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 6 North America 6.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 6.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 6.2.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 6.2.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 6.2.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 6.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 6.3.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 6.3.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 6.3.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 6.4 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country 6.4.1 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6.4.2 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 6.4.3 North America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 6.4.4 United States 6.4.5 Canada 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 7.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 7.2.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 7.2.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 7.2.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 7.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 7.3.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 7.3.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 7.3.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 7.4 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country 7.4.1 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 7.4.2 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 7.4.3 Europe Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 7.4.3 Germany 7.4.4 France 7.4.5 U.K. 7.4.6 Italy 7.4.7 Russia 7.4.8 Nordic Countries 8 China 8.1 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 8.2 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 8.2.1 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 8.2.2 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 8.2.3 China Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 8.3 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 8.3.1 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 8.3.2 China Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 8.3.3 China Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 9 Asia (excluding China) 9.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 9.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 9.2.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 9.2.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 9.2.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 9.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 9.3.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 9.3.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 9.3.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 9.4 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region 9.4.1 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 9.4.2 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 9.4.3 Asia Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Region (2025-2030) 9.4.4 Japan 9.4.5 South Korea 9.4.6 China Taiwan 9.4.7 Southeast Asia 9.4.8 India 9.4.9 Australia 10 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America 10.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size (2019-2030) 10.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type 10.2.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 10.2.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 10.2.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Type (2019-2030) 10.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application 10.3.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 10.3.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 10.3.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Share by Application (2019-2030) 10.4 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country 10.4.1 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 10.4.2 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 10.4.3 Middle East, Africa, and Latin America Virtual Proctoring Market Size by Country (2025-2030) 10.4.4 Brazil 10.4.5 Mexico 10.4.6 Turkey 10.4.7 Saudi Arabia 10.4.8 Israel 10.4.9 GCC Countries 11 Key Players Profiles 11.1 Examity 11.1.1 Examity Company Details 11.1.2 Examity Business Overview 11.1.3 Examity Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.1.4 Examity Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.1.5 Examity Recent Developments 11.2 PSI Services 11.2.1 PSI Services Company Details 11.2.2 PSI Services Business Overview 11.2.3 PSI Services Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.2.4 PSI Services Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.2.5 PSI Services Recent Developments 11.3 Meazure Learning 11.3.1 Meazure Learning Company Details 11.3.2 Meazure Learning Business Overview 11.3.3 Meazure Learning Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.3.4 Meazure Learning Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.3.5 Meazure Learning Recent Developments 11.4 ExamSoft (Turnitin) 11.4.1 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Company Details 11.4.2 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Business Overview 11.4.3 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.4.4 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.4.5 ExamSoft (Turnitin) Recent Developments 11.5 Mercer-Mettl 11.5.1 Mercer-Mettl Company Details 11.5.2 Mercer-Mettl Business Overview 11.5.3 Mercer-Mettl Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.5.4 Mercer-Mettl Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.5.5 Mercer-Mettl Recent Developments 11.6 ProctorTrack (Verificient) 11.6.1 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Company Details 11.6.2 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Business Overview 11.6.3 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.6.4 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.6.5 ProctorTrack (Verificient) Recent Developments 11.7 Inspera 11.7.1 Inspera Company Details 11.7.2 Inspera Business Overview 11.7.3 Inspera Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.7.4 Inspera Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.7.5 Inspera Recent Developments 11.8 Kryterion 11.8.1 Kryterion Company Details 11.8.2 Kryterion Business Overview 11.8.3 Kryterion Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.8.4 Kryterion Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.8.5 Kryterion Recent Developments 11.9 Prometric 11.9.1 Prometric Company Details 11.9.2 Prometric Business Overview 11.9.3 Prometric Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.9.4 Prometric Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.9.5 Prometric Recent Developments 11.10 Respondus 11.10.1 Respondus Company Details 11.10.2 Respondus Business Overview 11.10.3 Respondus Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.10.4 Respondus Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.10.5 Respondus Recent Developments 11.11 Smarter Services 11.11.1 Smarter Services Company Details 11.11.2 Smarter Services Business Overview 11.11.3 Smarter Services Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.11.4 Smarter Services Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.11.5 Smarter Services Recent Developments 11.12 Honorlock 11.12.1 Honorlock Company Details 11.12.2 Honorlock Business Overview 11.12.3 Honorlock Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.12.4 Honorlock Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.12.5 Honorlock Recent Developments 11.13 Proctorio 11.13.1 Proctorio Company Details 11.13.2 Proctorio Business Overview 11.13.3 Proctorio Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.13.4 Proctorio Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.13.5 Proctorio Recent Developments 11.14 ProctorExam (Turnitin) 11.14.1 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Company Details 11.14.2 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Business Overview 11.14.3 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.14.4 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.14.5 ProctorExam (Turnitin) Recent Developments 11.15 Pearson Vue 11.15.1 Pearson Vue Company Details 11.15.2 Pearson Vue Business Overview 11.15.3 Pearson Vue Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.15.4 Pearson Vue Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.15.5 Pearson Vue Recent Developments 11.16 ProctorFree 11.16.1 ProctorFree Company Details 11.16.2 ProctorFree Business Overview 11.16.3 ProctorFree Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.16.4 ProctorFree Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.16.5 ProctorFree Recent Developments 11.17 SMOWL 11.17.1 SMOWL Company Details 11.17.2 SMOWL Business Overview 11.17.3 SMOWL Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.17.4 SMOWL Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.17.5 SMOWL Recent Developments 11.18 TestReach 11.18.1 TestReach Company Details 11.18.2 TestReach Business Overview 11.18.3 TestReach Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.18.4 TestReach Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.18.5 TestReach Recent Developments 11.19 Talview 11.19.1 Talview Company Details 11.19.2 Talview Business Overview 11.19.3 Talview Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.19.4 Talview Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.19.5 Talview Recent Developments 11.20 Questionmark 11.20.1 Questionmark Company Details 11.20.2 Questionmark Business Overview 11.20.3 Questionmark Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.20.4 Questionmark Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.20.5 Questionmark Recent Developments 11.21 Televic Education 11.21.1 Televic Education Company Details 11.21.2 Televic Education Business Overview 11.21.3 Televic Education Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.21.4 Televic Education Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.21.5 Televic Education Recent Developments 11.22 Examstar 11.22.1 Examstar Company Details 11.22.2 Examstar Business Overview 11.22.3 Examstar Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.22.4 Examstar Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.22.5 Examstar Recent Developments 11.23 RK Infotech 11.23.1 RK Infotech Company Details 11.23.2 RK Infotech Business Overview 11.23.3 RK Infotech Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.23.4 RK Infotech Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.23.5 RK Infotech Recent Developments 11.24 ATA 11.24.1 ATA Company Details 11.24.2 ATA Business Overview 11.24.3 ATA Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.24.4 ATA Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.24.5 ATA Recent Developments 11.25 ATAC 11.25.1 ATAC Company Details 11.25.2 ATAC Business Overview 11.25.3 ATAC Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.25.4 ATAC Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.25.5 ATAC Recent Developments 11.26 Sea Sky Land 11.26.1 Sea Sky Land Company Details 11.26.2 Sea Sky Land Business Overview 11.26.3 Sea Sky Land Virtual Proctoring Introduction 11.26.4 Sea Sky Land Revenue in Virtual Proctoring Business (2019-2024) 11.26.5 Sea Sky Land Recent Developments 12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 13 Appendix 13.1 Research Methodology 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 13.1.2 Data Source 13.2 Disclaimer 13.3 Author Details
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