


Gas Dryer Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

ガス乾燥機の動向と予測 世界のガス乾燥機市場の将来は、住宅、商業施設、ランドリーサービス、洗濯・クリーニングセンター、ホテル、病院・介護施設市場にビジネスチャンスがありそうだ。世界のガス乾燥機市... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品タイプ別では、スチーム機能が電気代の節約に役立ち、スケジュール乾燥やデリケート乾燥などのオプションが付属しているため、予測期間中も最大セグメントであり続ける。
- 最終用途産業カテゴリーでは、ランドリーサービスにおけるガス乾燥機の需要が増加しているため、ランドリーサービスが最大セグメントであり続ける。
- 地域別では、北米はコインランドリーやドライクリーニングサービスの数が増加しているため、予測期間中も最大地域であり続けるだろう。




- スマート・コネクティビティ:スマート・コネクティビティ:IoT機能を備えたインテリジェントなガス乾燥機の需要が増加している。これらは、モバイルアプリを使って遠隔操作や監視ができるため、所有者の使い勝手がよくなるだけでなく、リアルタイムのデータによってエネルギー管理が向上する。
- エネルギー効率:消費電力の少ない天然ガス・ドライヤーの開発が重視されている。このような進歩には、断熱性の向上や高度なヒートポンプ技術が含まれ、運転コストを削減するだけでなく、このような乾燥機を環境基準に合わせることもできる。
- 安全機能の強化:現代のガス乾燥機には、自動シャットオフや漏水検知システムなどの高度な安全機能が搭載されている。このようなアップグレードは、保護基準に基づくより厳しい規則を満たす信頼性を保証しながら、家庭での安全要件に対応しています。
- 簡潔でスペース効率の良い設計:小型で小さな家でも使えるミニ・ガス乾燥機が増加している。これらのモデルは大型のものと同等の性能を発揮するが、都市生活に対応するため、小さなスペースにも簡単に設置できる。
- スマートホームとの統合:ガス乾燥機は現在、自動化と制御を高めるためにスマートホームシステムと統合されている。これには、音声コントロールやホームアシスタントとの互換性などの機能が含まれ、ユーザーにシームレスでコネクテッドな家庭体験を提供することが一般的になりつつある。




- スマート技術の統合:最近の動向として、遠隔操作と監視を可能にするスマート技術がガス乾燥機に搭載されている。この傾向はユーザーの利便性を高め、コネクテッド家電に対する需要の高まりと一致している。
- エネルギー効率の向上:最新のガス乾燥機は、エネルギー効率を高めるために、高度なヒートポンプ技術と優れた断熱材を組み込んでいる。このような改良は運転コストの低減につながり、より厳しいエネルギー規制を満たすのに役立つ。
- 高度な安全機能:現行モデルには、自動シャットオフや漏水検知システムなど、改良された安全機能が組み込まれています。これらの開発は、安全性への配慮を強化し、信頼性の高い運転のための厳しい安全要件に適合することを目的としています。
- コンパクトでスペース効率の高い設計:市場では、狭い住宅に住む人々に適した小型ガス乾燥機の人気が高まっている。このような設計は、場所を取らずに効率的な性能を発揮するため、都市生活者のニーズに応えている。
- 環境の持続可能性への焦点:新しいガス・ドライヤーは、環境にやさしく、排出量の少ない材料で作られている。このようなグリーン生産の重視は、世界的な環境目標や法律に合致しており、エコフレンドリーな顧客の嗜好に応えている。




- スマートホームの統合:企業は成長のために、天然ガス乾燥機をスマートホームシステムに組み込む努力をすべきである。メーカーは、遠隔操作や自動化などの重要な要素を製品に組み込むことで、この成長市場に参入し、コネクテッド家電に対する消費者の需要を満たすことができる。
- エネルギー効率の高いモデル:エネルギー効率の高いガス乾燥機の開発は、優れた投資である。より多くの消費者と政府がエネルギー節約にますます関心を寄せているため、高度な効率機能を備えたモデルを開発すれば、より大きな市場シェアを獲得することができる。
- 都市生活向けのコンパクト設計:狭い居住スペース向けのコンパクトなガス乾燥機を作ることは可能である。都市生活者に焦点を当て、スペースを節約できる設計にすることで、アパートや小規模住宅に住む人々のニーズに応えることができる。
- 安全機能の強化:漏水検知や自動シャットオフなどの安全機能を備えたガス乾燥機を導入することで、信頼性が高く安全な家電製品に対する顧客の欲求の高まりに応えることができる。このような安全性の強調は、顧客ロイヤルティが重要な業界で提供される製品の差別化につながる。
- 新興市場向けの手頃なモデル:インドのような新興国には、安価なガス乾燥機が必要である。メーカーは、安価でありながら高品質のモデルを提供することで、これらの地域の消費者数を増やすことができる。




- 技術の進歩:技術の進歩:スマートコネクティビティやエネルギー効率の高い技術などの革新がこの市場を牽引している。現代の消費者の嗜好と規制基準は、ユーザーの利便性を高め、エネルギー消費を削減する高度な機能によって満たされている。
- 効率性に対する消費者の需要の増加:省エネ機器への需要は、消費者の嗜好と規制ニーズの両方によって促進されている。コストと環境を節約する効率を改善したガス乾燥機が市場拡大を後押ししている。
- 安全性と信頼性の重視:市場の強力な推進力には、信頼性の高い性能だけでなく、強化された安全機能が含まれる。その結果、先進的な安全対策と耐久性を備えたガス乾燥機を購入する人が増えている。
- 都市化と居住空間の縮小:コンパクトでスペース効率に優れたガス乾燥機の需要は、都市化と住宅の小型化の傾向に後押しされている。言い換えれば、これらの設計は、より人口の多い地域に住む人々に対応している。
- 環境問題に対する意識の高まり:環境にやさしい家電製品を買いたいという消費者は、環境に対する意識の高まりがきっかけとなっている。環境意識の高い購買層は、排出量の少ない持続可能な材料で作られたガス乾燥機を求めている。
- 激しい競争:ガス・ドライヤー市場は、多くのメーカーが同様の製品を製造しており、競争が激しい。独自の機能で差別化を図ったり、競争力のある価格設定を維持するのは難しい。
- 規制への対応:さまざまな地域で異なる安全要件や規制基準を満たすことは難しい。メーカー各社は、コンプライアンスと市場参入を確保するため、規制をうまく切り抜けなければならない。
- 先端技術のコスト:ハイテク製品、たとえばインテリジェント接続や省エネデバイスの使用は、生産コストの上昇につながる可能性がある。競争力のある価格設定とのバランスをとることは、メーカーにとって難しい課題である。




- アライアンス・ランドリー・システムズ
- エレクトロラックス
- GEアプライアンス
- LGエレクトロニクス
- リンナイ
- サムスン電子
- トランスフォームSrブランド
- ワールプール




- スチーム機能付き
- スチーム機能なし


- 7立方フィート未満
- 7~8立方フィート
- 8立方フィート以上


- 住宅用
- 商業
- ランドリーサービス
- 洗濯・ドライクリーニングセンター
- ホテル
- 病院と老人ホーム


- オンライン
- オフライン


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、スマート接続とエネルギー効率の高い技術がガス乾燥機に組み込まれている。IoT機能がこのような機器に組み込まれ、ユーザーは簡単に利用できるリモートモバイルアプリを通じてどこからでも機器を制御できるようになり、利便性とエネルギー管理が向上している。
- 中国中国では、排出量の少ない安全なガス乾燥機が増加している。例えば、より精度の高いセンサーを導入することで、より効果的に温度を調整し、ユーザーにとってより安全なものとなっている。こうした動きは、中国全土で環境基準や電力効率を重視する傾向が強まっていることと一致している。
- ドイツドイツでは、EUの厳しいエネルギー要件を満たす高効率天然ガス衣類乾燥機に重点を置いている。最新のヒートポンプやその他のエコ素材の導入は、ドイツによる持続可能性への取り組みを象徴している。
- インドインドでは、大衆向けの手頃な価格のガス衣類乾燥機が伸びている。これらの製品には、湿度が高くなりがちな熱帯の環境に適した環境にやさしい製品を求める現地市場の需要に基づき、さまざまな気候条件に対応した単位消費電力当たりの性能向上など、さまざまな改良が施されている。
- 日本迅速な乾燥サイクルと小型化という点で、日本はガス乾燥機技術の最適化をリードしている。しかし、建物内のどこからでもガス乾燥機を操作できるようにするスマートホーム・インテグレーションに重点が置かれている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.2: 7~8 Cu.ft.
3.5: ガス乾燥機の世界市場:最終用途産業別
3.5.5: ホテル
3.5.6: 病院・老人ホーム
3.5.7: その他
3.6.2: オフライン

4.5: ROWのガス乾燥機市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: GEアプライアンス
7.4: LGエレクトロニクス
7.5: リンナイ
7.6: サムスン電子
7.7: トランスフォームSRブランド
7.8: ワールプール





Gas Dryer Trends and Forecast

The future of the global gas dryer market looks promising with opportunities in the residential, commercial, laundry service, washing and dry cleaning center, hotel, and hospital & nursing home markets. The global gas dryer market is expected to reach an estimated $10.3 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.2% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the rising product usage in residential areas, growing awareness about energy labels, and increasing consumer inclination toward on-demand laundry and dry-cleaning services.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, steam function will remain the largest segment over the forecast period, as it helps save money on electricity and comes with options such as scheduled drying and delicate drying.
• Within the end-use industry category, laundry services will remain the largest segment due to the growing demand for gas dryers in laundry services, as gas dryers dry clothes faster and produce less static cling than electric dryers.
• In terms of regions, North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to the growing number of laundromats and dry-cleaning services in this region.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Gas Dryer Market

There are several emerging trends that are driving the growth of the gas dryer market; they include:

• Smart Connectivity: The demand for intelligent gas dryers with IoT capabilities is increasing. These can be controlled and monitored remotely using mobile apps thus making them more convenient to use by owners as well as providing better energy management through real-time data.
• Energy Efficiency: There is a strong emphasis on the development of less power-consuming natural gas driers. Such strides include improved insulation and advanced heat pump technologies which not only reduce operation costs but also align such dryers with environmental standards.
• Enhanced Safety Feature: Modern-day gas dryers come inclusive of advanced safety features such as automatic shut-off and leakage detection systems. Such upgrades cater to safety requirements at home while guaranteeing reliability to meet stricter rules based on protection standards.
• Concise and Space-Efficient Designs: There is a rise in mini gas dryers that are small and can be used in tiny houses. These models perform as well as the bigger ones, but they fit easily in smaller spaces to cater to urban living.
• Smart Home Integration: Gas-dryers are now integrated with smart home systems to increase automation and control. This includes features such as voice control or compatibility with home assistants which is becoming more common offering users a seamless and connected home experience.

The resultant trends in these markets therefore help improve the experiences for the users of this product by improving its functionality, efficiency, and convenience of use while promoting innovations that meet current customer needs.

Recent Developments in the Gas Dryer Market

There have been significant changes in the market for gas dryers due to technological advancements and evolving customer preferences.

• Smart Technology Integration: One recent development has seen smart technology being included in gas dryers enabling remote operations and surveillance. This trend enhances user convenience and aligns with the growing demand for connected home appliances.
• Advancements in Energy Efficiency: Modern gas dryers incorporate advanced heat pump technology and better insulation materials to enhance their energy efficiency. Such improvements result in lower operating costs, helping to satisfy more stringent energy regulations.
• Advanced Safety Features: Current models come with improved safety features like automatic shut-off and leak detection systems which have been incorporated. These developments are aimed at enhancing safety concerns as well as ensuring they conform to stringent safety requirements for reliable operations.
• Compact and Space-Efficient Designs: The market is witnessing an increase in the popularity of small-sized gas dryers that suit people residing in small homes. Such designs offer efficient performance without occupying much space, hence meeting the needs of city dwellers.
• Focus on Environmental Sustainability: New gas driers are made from materials that are friendly to the environment and have low levels of emissions. This emphasis on green production matches worldwide environmental targets as well as laws thus meeting the preference of eco-friendly customers.

Technological innovation, efficiency enhancement, and evolving consumer requirements mean the future of the gas dryer market lies in these developments.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Gas Dryer Market

Numerous strategic growth opportunities exist within the gas dryer market due to increased customer demands coupled with technological advancements.

• Smart Home Integration: Companies should strive to incorporate natural gasses dryers into smart home systems for growth. Manufacturers can tap into this growing market by integrating important elements such as remote control or automation in their products thereby satisfying consumers’ demand for connected home appliances.
• Energy-Efficient Models: Developing highly energy-efficient gas dryers is an excellent investment. More consumers and governments are increasingly interested in energy savings, thus coming up with models with advanced efficiency features can help one to get a bigger market share.
• Compact Designs for Urban Living: It is possible to create compact gas dryers for small living spaces. By focusing on urban dwellers and making designs that save space, the needs of people who live in flats and smaller homes will be addressed.
• Enhanced Safety Features: Customers’ increasing desire for dependable and safe home appliances can be met by introducing gas dryers having safety features like leak detection or automatic shut-off. This emphasis on safety may differentiate products offered in an industry where customer loyalty is crucial.
• Affordable Models for Emerging Markets: Such countries as India require inexpensive gas dryers as they tend to have emerging markets. Manufacturers can increase their consumer numbers within these regions by providing cheap yet quality models.

These prospects are transforming the gas dryer market through innovation, efficiency, and fulfilling varied consumer requirements across segments.

Gas Dryer Market Driver and Challenges

The gas dryer market has various drivers and challenges that impact its growth and development.

The factors responsible for driving the gas dryer market include:
• Advancements in technology: Innovations like smart connectivity and energy-efficient technology are driving this market. Modern consumer preferences and regulatory standards are met by advanced features that enhance user convenience and reduce energy consumption.
• Increased consumer demand for efficiency: The demand for energy-saving equipment is being fueled by both consumer tastes and regulatory needs. Market expansion is propelled by gas dryers with improved efficiencies that save costs and the environment.
• Safety and reliability focus: Strong market drivers include enhanced safety features as well as reliable performance. As a result, more people are purchasing gas dryers that have an advanced system of safety measures as well as durable builds.
• Urbanization and Smaller Living Spaces: Demand for compact, space-efficient gas dryers is driven by the trend towards urbanization and smaller homes. In other words, these designs cater to those living in more populous areas.
• Growing environmental issues awareness: Consumers wanting to buy eco-friendly appliances have been triggered by increased awareness of the environment. Environmentally conscious buyers are reached out through gas dryers made with sustainable materials that produce lower emissions.
Challenges in the gas dryer market are:
• Intense rivalry: The gas dryer market is highly competitive with many manufacturers producing similar products. It can be difficult to differentiate based on unique features or maintain competitive pricing.
• Regulatory Compliance: Meeting different safety requirements and regulatory standards in various regions can be difficult. Manufacturers must navigate through the regulations to ensure compliance and market access.
• Cost of Advanced Technology: The use of high-tech products, for instance, intelligent connections, or energy-saving devices could lead to higher production costs. It is a hard task for producers to balance this with competitive pricing.

These drivers and challenges are shaping the gas dryer market as well as affecting trends in growth guiding the industry’s strategic decisions.

List of Gas Dryer Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies gas dryer companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the gas dryer companies profiled in this report include-

• Alliance Laundry Systems
• Electrolux
• GE Appliances
• LG Electronics
• Rinnai Corporation
• Samsung Electronics
• Transform Sr Brands
• Whirlpool Corporation

Gas Dryer by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global gas dryer by product type , capacity , end use industry, distribution channel, and region

Gas Dryer Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• With Steam Function
• Without Steam Function

Gas Dryer Market by Capacity [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Less Than 7 Cu.ft.
• 7 – 8 Cu.ft.
• More Than 8 Cu.ft.

Gas Dryer Market by End Use Industry [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Residential
• Commercial
• Laundry Services
• Washing and Dry Cleaning Centers
• Hotels
• Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Gas Dryer Market by Distribution Channel [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Online
• Offline

Gas Dryer Market by Region [Shipment Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Gas Dryer Market

The gas dryer market is evolving with improvements in technology, efficiency, and user-friendliness in various regions.

• United States: Smart connectivity and energy-efficient technologies have been integrated into gas dryers in the US. IoT capabilities are being embedded in such appliances by manufacturers to enable users to control their devices from anywhere through remote mobile apps that are easily available enhancing convenience and management of energy.
• China: China has witnessed an increase in safe gas dryers with fewer emissions. For example, they have introduced sensors with greater accuracy to help regulate temperature more effectively and make it safer for users. These developments are consistent with a growing emphasis on environmental standards and power efficiency across the country.
• Germany: Germany is focusing on high-efficiency natural gas clothes dryers that meet strict EU energy requirements. The introduction of modern heat pumps and other eco-materials represents an effort towards sustainability by Germany.
• India: In India, there is growth in the segment of affordable gas dryers targeted at serving the masses. They include a range of improvements like better performance per unit electrical consumption for different climatic conditions based on local market demands for environmentally friendly products suitable to tropical conditions where humidity levels can be high.
• Japan: In terms of rapid drying cycles and small size, Japan is leading the way in optimizing gas dryer technology. However, the focus is on smart home integration that will make it possible to operate a gas dryer from anywhere within a building.

Features of the Global Gas Dryer Market

Market Size Estimates: Gas dryer market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Gas dryer market size by various segments, such as by product type, capacity, end use industry, distribution channel, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Gas dryer market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product types, capacity, end use industries, distribution channels, and regions for the gas dryer market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the gas dryer market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the gas dryer market by product type (with steam function and without steam function), capacity (less than 7 cu.ft., 7 – 8 cu.ft., and more than 8 cu.ft.), end use industry (residential, commercial, laundry services, washing and dry cleaning centers, hotels, hospitals and nursing homes, and others), distribution channel (online, and offline), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Gas Dryer Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Gas Dryer Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Gas Dryer Market by Product Type
3.3.1: With Steam Function
3.3.2: Without Steam Function
3.4: Global Gas Dryer Market by Capacity
3.4.1: Less Than 7 Cu.ft.
3.4.2: 7 – 8 Cu.ft.
3.4.3: More Than 8 Cu.ft.
3.5: Global Gas Dryer Market by End Use Industry
3.5.1: Residential
3.5.2: Commercial
3.5.3: Laundry Services
3.5.4: Washing and Dry Cleaning Centers
3.5.5: Hotels
3.5.6: Hospitals and Nursing Homes
3.5.7: Others
3.6: Global Gas Dryer Market by Distribution Channel
3.6.1: Online
3.6.2: Offline

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Gas Dryer Market by Region
4.2: North American Gas Dryer Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: With Steam Function and Without Steam Function
4.2.2: North American Market by End Use Industry: Residential, Commercial, Laundry Services, Washing and Dry Cleaning Centers, Hotels, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, and Others
4.3: European Gas Dryer Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: With Steam Function and Without Steam Function
4.3.2: European Market by End Use Industry: Residential, Commercial, Laundry Services, Washing and Dry Cleaning Centers, Hotels, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, and Others
4.4: APAC Gas Dryer Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: With Steam Function and Without Steam Function
4.4.2: APAC Market by End Use Industry: Residential, Commercial, Laundry Services, Washing and Dry Cleaning Centers, Hotels, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, and Others
4.5: ROW Gas Dryer Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: With Steam Function and Without Steam Function
4.5.2: ROW Market by End Use Industry: Residential, Commercial, Laundry Services, Washing and Dry Cleaning Centers, Hotels, Hospitals and Nursing Homes, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Gas Dryer Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Gas Dryer Market by Capacity
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Gas Dryer Market by End Use Industry
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Gas Dryer Market by Distribution Channel
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Gas Dryer Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Gas Dryer Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Gas Dryer Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Gas Dryer Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Alliance Laundry Systems
7.2: Electrolux
7.3: GE Appliances
7.4: LG Electronics
7.5: Rinnai Corporation
7.6: Samsung Electronics
7.7: Transform SR Brands
7.8: Whirlpool Corporation





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2025/02/10 10:27

152.96 円

158.19 円

192.35 円
