


Post-Quantum Cryptography: Market Opportunities 2021-2030

IQTリサーチでは、ポスト量子暗号(PQC)のビジネスチャンスについて、毎年レポートを作成しています。本レポートは、その最新版です。前回のレポート以降、NISTはどの候補アルゴリズムが3次選考に進むかを発... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
Inside Quantum Technology
2021年8月19日 US$3,995
お問合わせください 英語






PQC 分野のビジネスチャンスの大半はソフトウェア指向ですが、本レポートではチップ関連のビジネスチャンスに ついても論じています。最も明らかなのは、これらのチップがPQC専用チップになることですが、このレポートでは、最新のPQCアルゴリズムを実行するための余分なパワーとメモリを提供するために、PQCが汎用プロセッサに与える影響についても分析されています。場合によっては、まったく新しいチップを開発する必要があるとIQTリサーチは考えている。




  • インタビュー対象者は、ITベンダーを含むPQCエコシステムを構成する企業や組織の代表者である。また、アカデミアの代表者にも、技術開発についてヒアリングを行った。
  • 二次調査として、PQCに関連する技術論文、ビジネス論文、商用企業やその他の主要なステークホルダーのWebサイトを調査した。また、IQTリサーチが過去3年間に作成した膨大な市場レポートも適宜利用している。







E.1 ポスト量子暗号のペースは加速している!
E.2 ペースを作っている主な要因
E.3 市場を形成する主なトレンド


1.1 本レポートの背景
1.2 本レポートの目的および範囲
1.3 本レポートの方法論
1.4 本レポートの計画

第2章:ポスト量子暗号(PQC): ドライバ、トレンド、標準、および製品

2.1 量子コンピュータが公開鍵暗号にもたらす現実的な脅威
2.1.1 公開鍵暗号方式
2.1.2 Shorのアルゴリズム
2.2 ドライバ1:量子コンピュータ開発の最近の進展
2.3 ドライバ2:PQCアルゴリズムの標準化に関する最近の進展
2.4 ドライバ3:今すぐ収穫し、後で解読する
2.5 ドライバ4:導入に必要な時間
2.6 ドライバ5:規制当局の役割
2.7 トレンド1:ハイブリッド・アプローチの事例
2.8 トレンド2:PQCクリプトアジリティの事例
2.9 PQCの文脈でQKDについてひとこと
2.10 Y2QがY2Kと違う理由(そしてそれがなぜ重要なのか)のメモ
2.11 PQCピュアプレイ・ソフトウェア製品。市場の可能性
2.12 PQCハードウエア。市場ポテンシャル
2.12.1 PQCチップ
2.12.2 ハードウェアセキュリティモジュール(HSM)
2.13 この章から得られる重要なポイント

第3章: PQC製品・サービスの市場

3.1 タイミングがすべて:PQC市場の現在のダイナミクス
3.1.1 X+YがZより大きいとしたら!?
3.1.2 市場予測の方法に関する注意点
3.2 金融サービス業界(高付加価値データ)
3.2.1 金融記録管理
3.2.2 クレジットカードとPQC
3.2.3 暗号通貨とブロックチェーン
3.2.4 金融サービス業におけるPQCの予測考察
3.3 ヘルスケア分野(保存期間の長いデータ)
3.3.1 医療記録への暗号化の活用
3.4 通信業界(5G、IoT)について
3.4.1 5GとPQC。今後の展開
3.4.2 IoTとPQC。未来
3.5 製造業
3.6 PQC対応ブラウザー
3.6.1 グーグルについての一考察
3.6.2 PQCとTLS
3.6.3 PQC対応ウェブブラウザの将来性
3.7 磁気テープドライブ。PQC統合の初期候補?
3.7.1 IBMの量子コンピューティング・セーフ・テープ・ドライブ
3.7.2 PQCを組み込んだ磁気テープの将来性
3.8 リモートディザスターリカバリー
3.8.1 リモートディザスターリカバリーPQC市場の将来性
3.9 PQCとサイバーセキュリティサービス
3.9.1 サービスとしてのPQC
3.9.2 ソフトウェアの推薦・開発・取得
3.10 PQCの公共部門への応用
3.10.1 軍事・諜報機関
3.10.2 大使館
3.10.3 警察での利用
3.10.4 10年後の予測について
3.11 この章から得られる重要なポイント

第4章: ポスト量子暗号化企業-製品・戦略・競合分析

4.1 PQCの競合状況
4.2 01 Communique(カナダ)
4.3 CryptoNext Security(フランス)
4.4 Crypto Quantique(イギリス)
4.5 Envieta Systems(米国)
4.6 evolutionQ(カナダ)
4.7 グーグル(米国)
4.8 IBMリサーチ(米国)
4.9 インフィニオン(ドイツ)
4.10 ISARA(カナダ)
4.11 マイクロソフト (米国)
4.12 Post-Quantum(イギリス)
4.13 PQSecure (米国)
4.14 PQShield(イギリス)
4.15 クアルコム(米国)
4.16 ラムバス社(米国)
4.17 タレス(フランス)
4.18 ウティマコ(ドイツ)

第五章: PQC製品および市場を形成するその他の主要組織

5.1 国立標準技術研究所(NIST)
5.2 インターネット技術タスクフォース(IETF)
5.3 国家安全保障局(NSA)
5.4 クラウドセキュリティアライアンス(CSA)
5.5 欧州電気通信標準化機構(ETSI)
5.6 米国電気電子学会(IEEE)
5.7 国際電気通信連合(ITU)
5.8 ANSI認定標準化委員会X9
5.9 Open Quantum Safe
5.10 PQCrypto



別紙2-1: PQCソフトウェアの可能性
図表2-2: PQCハードウェア - 市場ポテンシャル
図表 3-1: 量子の脅威に対するリスクとタイミングを視覚的に表現したもの
図表 4-1:PQC 関連企業の概要
図表4-3:マイクロソフトNIST PQC候補製品
図表4-4: マイクロソフト PQC ライブラリ
図表4-6: クアルコム/オンボードセキュリティのNIST PQC候補者
図表5-1: PQC標準を提供または貢献しているグループ





IQT Research prepares an annual report on the business opportunities in post-quantum cryptography (PQC). This report is the latest in the series. Since the previous report, NIST has announced which candidate algorithms have been selected to advance to the third round of the selection process. This report analyzes NIST’s choices and predicts where the all-important NIST standards will be headed next. While it will take a further 12-24 months to formally finalize the standard, there is a general expectation that the announcement will be an inflection point and will serve as a catalyst for more focused activity across the board in terms of PQC software and chip development.

The report also examines where the market perception is of the quantum threat and what to do about it. As IQT Research sees it, the pace is picking up with increased interest in PQC across a broad range of industries. The conversation today is no longer about whether it is necessary to implement PQC, but how to do so, and when. Because of “harvest now-decrypt later” hacking strategies, the quantum threat is increasingly seen as immediate.

At the same time, there is also a growing realization that implementing PQC will be considerably more complex than upgrading from one conventional encryption scheme to the other and also that quantum safe implementations will have to be flexible with regard to the choice of encryption algorithms. As we discuss in the report, such facts impact the business potential for PQC. We also explore the degree to which the wait and see approach is dragging the PQC market down.

While most of the opportunity in the PQC space is software oriented, this report also discusses chip-related opportunities. Most obviously, these chips will be specifically PQC chips, but this report also analyzes the impact of PQC on general-purpose processors to provide extra power and memory to run the latest PQC algorithms. In some cases, IQT research believes entirely new chips will have to be developed.

Industries considered in this report as likely users of PQC include, among others, the financial services industry, the healthcare sector, the telecommunications industry and manufacturing industries. In addition, the markets for PQC-enabled browsers and PQC services (including consultancy) are also addressed. In addition, the report also discusses how integrated quantum-safe strategies can be built that use both PQC and QKD.

The report also examines the motivation for companies and other organizations to adopt PQC, forecasting revenues from PQC-related activities and assessing the product/market strategies of important companies and other organizations in the PQC space.

The methodology employed to create this report involves both primary and secondary research.

  •     • The field of interviewees encompassed representatives from companies and organizations that constitute the PQC eco-system, including IT vendors. In addition, selected representatives from academia were polled regarding technology development.
  •     • The secondary research consists of reviews of both technical and business articles related to PQC as well as the websites of commercial firms and other key stakeholders in this space. Finally, we have also drawn (where appropriate) on IQT Research’s now extensive library of its own market reports compiled over the past three years.

Following this, Chapter Three presents and describes nine different market segments for PQC. As noted above, the forecasts for these market segments are supplied in a separate Excel sheet. Chapter Four then profiles the most active and relevant companies in the PQC eco-system today, addressing their respective strategies, product(s), and approach to the PQC marketplace.

In conclusion, Chapter Five briefly describes the activities of different standards organizations and industry groups working in this area, all of whom play a crucial role in the implementation and roll-out of PQC in practice.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents Post-Quantum Cryptography: Market Opportunities 2021-2030
Executive Summary
E.1 The Post-Quantum Cryptography Pace is Picking Up!
E.2 Key Drivers that are Setting the Pace
E.3 Key Trends that are Shaping the Market
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background to this Report
1.2 Objective and Scope of this Report
1.3 Methodology of this Report
1.4 Plan of this Report
Chapter Two: Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC): Drivers, Trends, Standards, and Products
2.1 The Existential Threat to Public Key Cryptography from Quantum Computers
2.1.1 Public Key Cryptography
2.1.2 Shor’s Algorithm
2.2 Driver 1: Recent Progress in the Development of Quantum Computers
2.3 Driver 2: Recent Progress in the Standardization of PQC Algorithms
2.4 Driver 3: Harvest Now – Decrypt Later
2.5 Driver 4: The Time Required to Deploy
2.6 Driver 5: The Role of the Regulator
2.7 Trend 1: The Case for a Hybrid Approach
2.8 Trend 2: The Case for PQC Crypto Agility
2.9 A Couple of Words on QKD in the Context of PQC
2.10 A Note of Why Y2Q is Nothing Like Y2K (and Why that is Important)
2.11 PQC Pure-Play Software Products: Market Potential
2.12 PQC Hardware: Market Potential
2.12.1 PQC Chips
2.12.2 Hardware Security Modules (HSMs)
2.13 Key Takeaways from this Chapter
Chapter Three: Markets for PQC Products and Services
3.1 Timing is Everything: The Current Dynamics of the PQC Market
3.1.1 What if X+Y is greater than Z!?
3.1.2 Notes on Market Forecast Methodology
3.2 The Financial Services Industry (High Value Data)
3.2.1 Financial Records Management
3.2.2 Credit Cards and PQC
3.2.3 Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
3.2.4 Forecasting Considerations for PQC in the Financial Services industry
3.3 The Healthcare Sector (Long Shelf-Life Data)
3.3.1 Use of Encryption for Healthcare Records
3.4 The Telecommunications Industry (5G and IoT)
3.4.1 5G and PQC: The Future
3.4.2 IoT and PQC: The Future
3.5 Manufacturing Industries
3.6 PQC-enabled Browsers
3.6.1 A Note on Google
3.6.2 PQC and TLS
3.6.3 The Future of PQC-enabled Web Browsers
3.7 Magnetic Tape Drives: Early Candidates for PQC Integration?
3.7.1 IBM’s Quantum Computing Safe Tape Drive
3.7.2 The Future of Magnetic Tapes with Embedded PQC
3.8 Remote Disaster Recovery
3.8.1 The Future of the Remote Disaster Recovery PQC Market
3.9 PQC and Cybersecurity Services
3.9.1 PQC as a Service
3.9.2 Software Recommendation, Development, and Acquisition
3.10 Public Sector Applications for PQC
3.10.1 Military and Intelligence Services
3.10.2 Embassies
3.10.3 Police Uses
3.10.4 A Note on Ten-Year Forecasts
3.11 Key Takeaways from this Chapter
Chapter Four: Post-Quantum Encryption Companies—Products, Strategy, and Competitive Analysis
4.1 The PQC Competitive Landscape
4.2 01 Communique (Canada)
4.3 CryptoNext Security (France)
4.4 Crypto Quantique (United Kingdom)
4.5 Envieta Systems (United States)
4.6 evolutionQ (Canada)
4.7 Google (United States)
4.8 IBM Research (United States)
4.9 Infineon (Germany)
4.10 ISARA (Canada)
4.11 Microsoft (United States)
4.12 Post-Quantum (United Kingdom)
4.13 PQSecure (United States)
4.14 PQShield (United Kingdom)
4.15 Qualcomm (United States)
4.16 Rambus (United States)
4.17 Thales (France)
4.18 Utimaco (Germany)
Chapter Five: Other Key Organizations Shaping PQC Products and Markets
5.1 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
5.2 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
5.3 National Security Agency (NSA)
5.4 Cloud Security Alliance (CSA)
5.5 European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
5.6 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
5.7 International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
5.8 ANSI Accredited Standards Committee X9
5.9 Open Quantum Safe
5.10 PQCrypto
About Inside Quantum Technology
About the Analyst
Acronyms and Abbreviations Used In this Report
List of Exhibits
Exhibit 2-1: PQC Software Opportunities
Exhibit 2-2: PQC Hardware - Market Potential
Exhibit 3-1: Visual Representation of Risk and Timing vis-à-vis the Quantum Threat
Exhibit 4-1: Brief Overview of selected PQC Companies
Exhibit 4-2: IronCAP PQC Products
Exhibit 4-3: Microsoft NIST PQC candidates
Exhibit 4-4: Microsoft PQC Libraries
Exhibit 4-5: PQShield Products and Technologies
Exhibit 4-6: Qualcomm/OnBoard Security NIST PQC candidates
Exhibit 5-1: Groups Providing or Contributing Towards PQC Standards






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