コヒーレントオプティクス:先行研究レポートCoherent Optics コヒーレント光学は、2008年に参入した光トランスポート市場の流れを変えた。現在では、従来の光DWDMシステムだけでなく、ルーター、イーサネットスイッチ、その他サーバーやブロードバンドアクセスシステムな... もっと見る
通信、セキュリティ、ネットワーク、データセンタ業界の市場情報を提供するDell'Oro Groupは、今後5年間のコヒレント光トランシーバ出荷を年平均成長率(CAGR)17%で成長すると予測している。さらに、コヒレントオプティクス市場は、ルータやイーサネットスイッチでコヒレント技術の使用が増える小型フォームファクタのプラガブルオプティクスが利用可能になり、地殻変動が起きている。
SummaryCoherent optics changed the path of the Optical Transport market when it entered in 2008. It is now a technology that is expanding beyond traditional optical DWDM systems into routers, Ethernet switches, and other equipment such as servers and broadband access systems. However, with the growing market landscape is a higher level of complexity in tracking the market size, shape, and direction. This is further complicated by the independent procurement of coherent optical plugs, modules, and line cards. Some of these are purchased with a network system from an equipment systems manufacturer and some are purchased separately or directly from the module manufacturer. The Coherent Optics Advanced Research Report (ARR) aims to answer critical market questions such as:
Press Release
More than Half of the Annual Increase in Shipments Will be on Routers and Switches
Dell'Oro Group, the trusted source for market information about the telecommunications, security, networks, and data center industries, forecast coherent optical transceiver shipments to grow at a 17 percent compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) for the next five years. Additionally, the Coherent Optics market is undergoing a tectonic shift with the availability of small form factor pluggable optics that will increase the use of coherent technology in routers and ethernet switches.
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