2024/09/13 10:26 142.54 円 158.38 円 190.01 円 オフショア支援船(OSV)市場規模・シェア・分析:船種別(アンカーハンドリングタグ供給船、プラットフォーム供給船、乗組員船、その他)、水深別(浅海、深海、超深海)、用途別(石油・ガス、洋上風力、パトロール、調査・測量、その他)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、その他地域)、地域別予測 2024-2034Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) Market Size, Share, and Analysis, By Vessel Type (Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, Platform Supply Vessels, Crew Vessel, and Others), By Water Depth (Shallow Water, Deepwater, and Ultra-Deepwater), By Application (Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind, Patrolling, Research & Surveying, and Others), and By Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, And Rest of the World) And Regional Forecast 2024-2034出版社:Fatpos Global
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