![]() 消費財の貿易促進管理と最適化の世界市場調査レポート 2023年Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Research Report 2023 消費財の貿易促進管理と最適化の世界市場規模は2022年に6億100万米ドルで、2029年には10億5200万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2029年の年平均成長率は8.3%である。COVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争の... もっと見る
サマリー消費財の貿易促進管理と最適化の世界市場規模は2022年に6億100万米ドルで、2029年には10億5200万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2023-2029年の年平均成長率は8.3%である。COVID-19とロシア・ウクライナ戦争の影響は、市場規模を推定する際に考慮された。消費財の貿易促進管理と最適化の北米市場は、2023年の2億4,900万ドルから2029年には3億9,500万ドルに達すると予測され、2023年から2029年の予測期間中のCAGRは8.0%である。 消費財の貿易促進管理と最適化の主な世界企業には、Blueshift One、IRI、TABS Analytics、Acumen Commercial Insights、Wipro、SAP、Blacksmith Applications、Anaplan、Oracleなどがある。2022年には、世界のトップ3ベンダーが売上高の約29%を占めている。 レポートの範囲 本レポートは、消費財の貿易促進管理および最適化の世界市場を定量的・定性的分析の両面から包括的に紹介し、読者がビジネス/成長戦略を策定し、市場競争状況を評価し、現在の市場における自社のポジションを分析し、消費財の貿易促進管理および最適化に関する十分な情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行えるようにすることを目的としています。 消費財向け貿易促進管理と最適化の市場規模、推計、予測は、2022年を基準年とし、2018年から2029年までの期間の履歴と予測データを売上高(百万ドル)で提供します。本レポートでは、世界の消費財向け貿易促進管理・最適化市場を包括的に区分しています。製品タイプ別、コンポーネント別、プレイヤー別の地域別市場規模も掲載しています。 市場のより詳細な理解のために、競争環境、主要競合企業のプロフィール、それぞれの市場ランクを掲載しています。また、技術動向や新製品開発についても論じています。 本レポートは、本市場における消費財企業、新規参入企業、業界チェーン関連企業にとって、市場全体と、企業別、タイプ別、コンポーネント別、地域別など、さまざまなセグメントにわたるサブセグメントの収益に関する情報を提供することで、貿易促進管理と最適化を支援します。 企業別 ブルーシフト サーカナ(IRIワールドワイド) TELUS(エクシードラ) TELUS(TABSアナリティクス) TELUS(ブラックスミス・アプリケーションズ) アキュメン・コマーシャル・インサイト ウィプロ SAP アナプラン オラクル アクセンチュア PSignite (CPGvision) マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー リテールインサイト アップクリア タイプ別セグメント データハーモナイゼーション オーダー管理 本社企画 その他 コンポーネント別セグメント ソリューション サービス 地域別 北米 米国 カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド オーストラリア その他のアジア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 北欧諸国 その他のヨーロッパ諸国 南米 メキシコ ブラジル その他のラテンアメリカ 中東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア アラブ首長国連邦 その他の地域 コアチャプター 第1章: レポートのスコープ、各市場セグメント(タイプ別、コンポーネント別など)のエグゼクティブサマリー、各市場セグメントの市場規模、今後の発展可能性などを紹介。市場の現状と、短期・中期・長期的な展開の可能性について、ハイレベルな見解を提供しています。 第2章:世界市場規模、地域市場規模のエグゼクティブサマリーを紹介し、市場ダイナミクス、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界企業が直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析も紹介します。 第3章:消費財企業の貿易促進管理と最適化鈥競争状況、収益市場シェア、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などの詳細分析。 第4章:各種市場セグメントをタイプ別に分析し、各市場セグメントの市場規模と発展可能性を網羅し、読者が各市場セグメントのブルーオーシャン市場を見つけやすくする。 第5章:成分別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの市場規模と発展可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる川下市場のブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助ける。 第6、7、8、9、10章:北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、ラテンアメリカ、中東、アフリカの国別セグメント。各地域とその主要国の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、将来の発展見通し、市場スペース、生産能力などを紹介している。 第11章:主要企業のプロフィールを提供し、製品の売上高、収益、価格、粗利益率、製品紹介、最近の開発など、市場における主要企業の基本状況を詳しく紹介する。 第12章:レポートの要点と結論。 目次1 Report Overview 11.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 Data Harmonization 3 1.2.3 Order Management 4 1.2.4 Head Office Planning 5 1.2.5 Others 6 1.3 Market by Component 7 1.3.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth by Component: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 7 1.3.2 Solution 9 1.3.3 Services 10 1.4 Market by Application 10 1.4.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth by Application: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 10 1.4.2 Food and Beverage (Retail) 12 1.4.3 Food and Beverage (Ecommerce) 13 1.5 Assumptions and Limitations 13 1.6 Study Objectives 14 1.7 Years Considered 15 2 Global Growth Trends 16 2.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Perspective (2018-2029) 16 2.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Growth Trends by Region 17 2.2.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 18 2.2.2 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 18 2.2.3 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 19 2.3 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Dynamics 20 2.3.1 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Industry Trends 20 2.3.2 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Drivers 21 2.3.3 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Challenges 21 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 22 3.1 Global Top Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Players by Revenue 22 3.1.1 Global Top Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Players by Revenue (2018-2023) 22 3.1.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Revenue Market Share by Players (2018-2023) 23 3.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 24 3.3 Global Key Players Ranking by Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Revenue 26 3.4 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Concentration Ratio 27 3.4.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) 27 3.4.2 Global Top 5 Companies by Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Revenue in 2022 28 3.5 Global Key Players of Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Head office and Area Served 28 3.6 Global Key Players of Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods, Product and Application 29 3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 30 4 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Breakdown Data by Type 32 4.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 32 4.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 33 5 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Breakdown Data by Component 34 5.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Component (2018-2023) 34 5.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Component (2024-2029) 35 6 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Breakdown Data by Application 36 6.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 36 6.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 37 7 North America 38 7.1 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 38 7.2 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 38 7.3 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 39 7.4 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 39 7.5 United States 40 7.6 Canada 41 8 Europe 42 8.1 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 42 8.2 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 42 8.3 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 43 8.4 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 43 8.5 Germany 45 8.6 France 45 8.7 U.K. 46 8.8 Italy 46 8.9 Russia 47 8.10 Nordic Countries 47 9 Asia-Pacific 48 9.1 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 48 9.2 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 48 9.3 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 49 9.4 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 49 9.5 China 51 9.6 Japan 51 9.7 South Korea 52 9.8 Southeast Asia 52 9.9 India 53 9.10 Australia 53 10 Latin America 54 10.1 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 54 10.2 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 54 10.3 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 55 10.4 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 55 10.5 Mexico 56 10.6 Brazil 57 11 Middle East & Africa 58 11.1 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 58 11.2 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 58 11.3 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 59 11.4 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 59 11.5 Turkey 60 11.6 Saudi Arabia 61 11.7 UAE 61 12 Key Players Profiles 62 12.1 Blueshift 62 12.1.1 Blueshift Company Details 62 12.1.2 Blueshift Business Overview 62 12.1.3 Blueshift Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 63 12.1.4 Blueshift Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 64 12.2 IRI Worldwide (rebrand to Circana) 64 12.2.1 IRI Worldwide Company Details 65 12.2.2 IRI Worldwide Business Overview 65 12.2.3 IRI Worldwide Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 65 12.2.4 IRI Worldwide Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 66 12.2.5 IRI Worldwide Recent Development 67 12.3 TELUS (Exceedra, formerly AFS Technologies) 67 12.3.1 TELUS (Exceedra) Company Details 68 12.3.2 TELUS (Exceedra) Business Overview 68 12.3.3 TELUS (Exceedra) Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 69 12.3.4 TELUS (Exceedra) Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 70 12.4 TABS Analytics (acquired by TELUS) 70 12.4.1 TABS Analytics Company Details 71 12.4.2 TABS Analytics Business Overview 71 12.4.3 TABS Analytics Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 72 12.4.4 TABS Analytics Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 73 12.4.5 TABS Analytics Recent Development 73 12.5 Blacksmith Applications (acquired by TELUS) 74 12.5.1 Blacksmith Applications Company Details 74 12.5.2 Blacksmith Applications Business Overview 74 12.5.3 Blacksmith Applications Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 75 12.5.4 Blacksmith Applications Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 75 12.5.5 Blacksmith Applications Recent Development 76 12.6 Acumen Commercial Insights 76 12.6.1 Acumen Commercial Insights Company Details 77 12.6.2 Acumen Commercial Insights Business Overview 77 12.6.3 Acumen Commercial Insights Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 78 12.6.4 Acumen Commercial Insights Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 78 12.7 Wipro 79 12.7.1 Wipro Company Details 79 12.7.2 Wipro Business Overview 80 12.7.3 Wipro Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 80 12.7.4 Wipro Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 81 12.8 SAP 82 12.8.1 SAP Company Details 82 12.8.2 SAP Business Overview 83 12.8.3 SAP Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 83 12.8.4 SAP Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 84 12.9 Anaplan 84 12.9.1 Anaplan Company Details 85 12.9.2 Anaplan Business Overview 85 12.9.3 Anaplan Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 85 12.9.4 Anaplan Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 87 12.9.5 Anaplan Recent Development 88 12.10 Oracle 88 12.10.1 Oracle Company Details 88 12.10.2 Oracle Business Overview 89 12.10.3 Oracle Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 89 12.10.4 Oracle Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 90 12.11 Accenture 91 12.11.1 Accenture Company Details 91 12.11.2 Accenture Business Overview 92 12.11.3 Accenture Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 92 12.11.4 Accenture Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 93 12.12 PSignite (CPGvision) 94 12.12.1 PSignite (CPGvision) Company Details 94 12.12.2 PSignite (CPGvision) Business Overview 94 12.12.3 PSignite (CPGvision) Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 95 12.12.4 PSignite (CPGvision) Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 96 12.12.5 PSignite (CPGvision) Recent Development 97 12.13 McKinsey & Company 98 12.13.1 McKinsey & Company Company Details 98 12.13.2 McKinsey & Company Business Overview 98 12.13.3 McKinsey & Company Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 99 12.13.4 McKinsey & Company Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 99 12.14 Retail Insight 100 12.14.1 Retail Insight Company Details 100 12.14.2 Retail Insight Business Overview 101 12.14.3 Retail Insight Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 101 12.14.4 Retail Insight Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 102 12.15 UpClear 103 12.15.1 UpClear Company Details 103 12.15.2 UpClear Business Overview 104 12.15.3 UpClear Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 104 12.15.4 UpClear Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 106 12.15.5 UpClear Recent Development 106 13 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 108 14 Appendix 109 14.1 Research Methodology 109 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 109 14.1.2 Data Source 112 14.2 Author Details 115 14.3 Disclaimer 115
SummaryThe global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods market was valued at US$ 601 million in 2022 and is anticipated to reach US$ 1,052 million by 2029, witnessing a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period 2023-2029. The influence of COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War were considered while estimating market sizes. Table of Contents1 Report Overview 11.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 Data Harmonization 3 1.2.3 Order Management 4 1.2.4 Head Office Planning 5 1.2.5 Others 6 1.3 Market by Component 7 1.3.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth by Component: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 7 1.3.2 Solution 9 1.3.3 Services 10 1.4 Market by Application 10 1.4.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth by Application: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 10 1.4.2 Food and Beverage (Retail) 12 1.4.3 Food and Beverage (Ecommerce) 13 1.5 Assumptions and Limitations 13 1.6 Study Objectives 14 1.7 Years Considered 15 2 Global Growth Trends 16 2.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Perspective (2018-2029) 16 2.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Growth Trends by Region 17 2.2.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 18 2.2.2 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 18 2.2.3 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 19 2.3 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Dynamics 20 2.3.1 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Industry Trends 20 2.3.2 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Drivers 21 2.3.3 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Challenges 21 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players 22 3.1 Global Top Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Players by Revenue 22 3.1.1 Global Top Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Players by Revenue (2018-2023) 22 3.1.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Revenue Market Share by Players (2018-2023) 23 3.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 24 3.3 Global Key Players Ranking by Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Revenue 26 3.4 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Concentration Ratio 27 3.4.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Concentration Ratio (CR5) 27 3.4.2 Global Top 5 Companies by Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Revenue in 2022 28 3.5 Global Key Players of Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Head office and Area Served 28 3.6 Global Key Players of Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods, Product and Application 29 3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 30 4 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Breakdown Data by Type 32 4.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Type (2018-2023) 32 4.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Type (2024-2029) 33 5 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Breakdown Data by Component 34 5.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Component (2018-2023) 34 5.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Component (2024-2029) 35 6 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Breakdown Data by Application 36 6.1 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Historic Market Size by Application (2018-2023) 36 6.2 Global Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Forecasted Market Size by Application (2024-2029) 37 7 North America 38 7.1 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 38 7.2 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 38 7.3 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 39 7.4 North America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 39 7.5 United States 40 7.6 Canada 41 8 Europe 42 8.1 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 42 8.2 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 42 8.3 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 43 8.4 Europe Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 43 8.5 Germany 45 8.6 France 45 8.7 U.K. 46 8.8 Italy 46 8.9 Russia 47 8.10 Nordic Countries 47 9 Asia-Pacific 48 9.1 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 48 9.2 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 48 9.3 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Region (2018-2023) 49 9.4 Asia-Pacific Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Region (2024-2029) 49 9.5 China 51 9.6 Japan 51 9.7 South Korea 52 9.8 Southeast Asia 52 9.9 India 53 9.10 Australia 53 10 Latin America 54 10.1 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 54 10.2 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 54 10.3 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 55 10.4 Latin America Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 55 10.5 Mexico 56 10.6 Brazil 57 11 Middle East & Africa 58 11.1 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size (2018-2029) 58 11.2 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Growth Rate by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 58 11.3 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2018-2023) 59 11.4 Middle East & Africa Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Market Size by Country (2024-2029) 59 11.5 Turkey 60 11.6 Saudi Arabia 61 11.7 UAE 61 12 Key Players Profiles 62 12.1 Blueshift 62 12.1.1 Blueshift Company Details 62 12.1.2 Blueshift Business Overview 62 12.1.3 Blueshift Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 63 12.1.4 Blueshift Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 64 12.2 IRI Worldwide (rebrand to Circana) 64 12.2.1 IRI Worldwide Company Details 65 12.2.2 IRI Worldwide Business Overview 65 12.2.3 IRI Worldwide Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 65 12.2.4 IRI Worldwide Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 66 12.2.5 IRI Worldwide Recent Development 67 12.3 TELUS (Exceedra, formerly AFS Technologies) 67 12.3.1 TELUS (Exceedra) Company Details 68 12.3.2 TELUS (Exceedra) Business Overview 68 12.3.3 TELUS (Exceedra) Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 69 12.3.4 TELUS (Exceedra) Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 70 12.4 TABS Analytics (acquired by TELUS) 70 12.4.1 TABS Analytics Company Details 71 12.4.2 TABS Analytics Business Overview 71 12.4.3 TABS Analytics Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 72 12.4.4 TABS Analytics Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 73 12.4.5 TABS Analytics Recent Development 73 12.5 Blacksmith Applications (acquired by TELUS) 74 12.5.1 Blacksmith Applications Company Details 74 12.5.2 Blacksmith Applications Business Overview 74 12.5.3 Blacksmith Applications Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 75 12.5.4 Blacksmith Applications Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 75 12.5.5 Blacksmith Applications Recent Development 76 12.6 Acumen Commercial Insights 76 12.6.1 Acumen Commercial Insights Company Details 77 12.6.2 Acumen Commercial Insights Business Overview 77 12.6.3 Acumen Commercial Insights Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 78 12.6.4 Acumen Commercial Insights Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 78 12.7 Wipro 79 12.7.1 Wipro Company Details 79 12.7.2 Wipro Business Overview 80 12.7.3 Wipro Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 80 12.7.4 Wipro Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 81 12.8 SAP 82 12.8.1 SAP Company Details 82 12.8.2 SAP Business Overview 83 12.8.3 SAP Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 83 12.8.4 SAP Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 84 12.9 Anaplan 84 12.9.1 Anaplan Company Details 85 12.9.2 Anaplan Business Overview 85 12.9.3 Anaplan Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 85 12.9.4 Anaplan Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 87 12.9.5 Anaplan Recent Development 88 12.10 Oracle 88 12.10.1 Oracle Company Details 88 12.10.2 Oracle Business Overview 89 12.10.3 Oracle Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 89 12.10.4 Oracle Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 90 12.11 Accenture 91 12.11.1 Accenture Company Details 91 12.11.2 Accenture Business Overview 92 12.11.3 Accenture Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 92 12.11.4 Accenture Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 93 12.12 PSignite (CPGvision) 94 12.12.1 PSignite (CPGvision) Company Details 94 12.12.2 PSignite (CPGvision) Business Overview 94 12.12.3 PSignite (CPGvision) Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 95 12.12.4 PSignite (CPGvision) Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 96 12.12.5 PSignite (CPGvision) Recent Development 97 12.13 McKinsey & Company 98 12.13.1 McKinsey & Company Company Details 98 12.13.2 McKinsey & Company Business Overview 98 12.13.3 McKinsey & Company Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 99 12.13.4 McKinsey & Company Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 99 12.14 Retail Insight 100 12.14.1 Retail Insight Company Details 100 12.14.2 Retail Insight Business Overview 101 12.14.3 Retail Insight Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 101 12.14.4 Retail Insight Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 102 12.15 UpClear 103 12.15.1 UpClear Company Details 103 12.15.2 UpClear Business Overview 104 12.15.3 UpClear Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Introduction 104 12.15.4 UpClear Revenue in Trade Promotion Management and Optimization for the Consumer Goods Business (2018-2023) 106 12.15.5 UpClear Recent Development 106 13 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions 108 14 Appendix 109 14.1 Research Methodology 109 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 109 14.1.2 Data Source 112 14.2 Author Details 115 14.3 Disclaimer 115
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