


Electric Chapati Maker Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

電動チャパティメーカーの動向と予測 電動チャパティメーカーの世界市場の将来性は、業務用市場と家庭用市場にビジネスチャンスがありそうだ。電動チャパティメーカーの世界市場は、2024年から2030年までの年... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年12月2日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintelの予測によると、容量カテゴリーでは、家庭などの居住空間での利用が多い100未満が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みである。
- このエンドユースカテゴリーの中では、調理を迅速化し、チャパティ作りのプロセスを合理化するための家庭用キッチン機器として、電動チャパティメーカーに対する個人や家族のニーズが高まっているため、家庭がより高い成長を遂げると予想される。
- 地域別では、急速な都市化、人口の可処分所得の増加、同地域における主要プレイヤーの存在により、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長を目撃する見込みである。




- 最新機能、スマートIoT家電:最近では、モバイルアプリを使って調理プロセスを遠隔操作できるIoT機能を搭載した電気チャパティメーカーが増えている。この技術革新は、消費者がマルチタスクをこなしたり、調理時間や温度を調整したりすることを可能にし、利便性を高めている。このような機能は、多忙になりがちな都市部の消費者にとって特に価値がある。
- 多機能:近年、電気チャパティ・メーカーの進化は、チャパティの調理、グリル、トースト、ベイクができる多目的機器へと変貌を遂げた。これにより、複数の役割を果たすキッチン機器を求める消費者のニーズに応えることができる。この傾向は、キッチンのスペースに余裕のない家庭や勤労者にとって特に有利である。
- コンパクトで持ち運びしやすいデザインの傾向:都市化が進むにつれて、電動チャパティメーカーのデザインには、コンパクトさや携帯性といった要素が考慮されるようになっている。都市居住者や共同アパートに住む消費者は、小型で場所を取らないモデルを好む。この傾向は、これらのモデルは場所を取らないため、大量に使用した後に電化製品を収納することを好む人々にも喜ばれている。
- エネルギー効率と環境への配慮:地球温暖化の増加に伴い、省エネ型の電気チャパティメーカーの需要も増加している。環境に優しいモデルを採用し、持続可能な包装を使用するという意識も高まっている。消費者は、低エネルギー消費で長持ちする電気チャパティメーカーのモデルを求めている。環境に対する人々の関心が世界的に高まる中、この傾向は今後も続くと思われる。
- 健康志向の特徴:現在、ターゲット層の大部分は、健康とフィットネスの目標達成に役立つ家電製品を求めている。油の摂取量を抑えてチャパティを調理できる電気チャパティメーカーや、全粒粉やグルテンフリーの小麦粉を使用できる電気チャパティメーカーへの需要が高まっている。こうした健康志向のイノベーションは、特に健康志向の強い欧米の消費者に適している。




- スマート電動チャパティ・メーカーの導入:IoT技術と統合されたスマート電気チャパティ・メーカーは、消費者がモバイル機器から調理プロセスを制御することを可能にする。これらの家電は、チャパティの調理中により正確な調理制御を可能にすることで、生活を容易にする。技術愛好家にとっては、自動化と遠隔操作を提供するスマート技術のキッチン家電への統合も魅力的だ。
- 多機能調理ガジェット:コンパクトな電気チャパティ・メーカーが開発され、グリル、トースト、他のフラットブレッドの調理などの機能を組み込んでいる。こうした機器は、キッチンのスペースが限られている消費者にとって、ますます魅力的になっている。1台で複数の機能を持つ電気器具は、幅広い調理ニーズに応えることができる。
- サステナビリティ重視:消費者の環境問題への意識は高まっており、各ブランドは省エネ型の電気チャパティメーカーを開発することで対応している。これらの機器は二酸化炭素排出量が少ないため、環境に優しい消費者に適している。このような持続可能性の重視は、消費者の環境に対する責任感が強い市場において、製品の魅力を高めている。
- コンパクトなデザインの革新:チャパティ・メーカーも、狭いキッチンや都市部のアパートに対応するため、小型サイズに設計されている。これらのモデルは軽量で持ち運びができ、収納も簡単である。コンパクトでも性能は損なわれておらず、狭い家庭やアパートでスペースが限られている人に最適です。
- 健康志向の機能:健康志向の高まりに対応するため、メーカー各社は、油の使用量を少なくしたり、全粒粉やグルテンフリーの小麦粉を使用できるなどの機能を提供している。こうした機能は、健康的な食生活を維持したいと願う消費者の共感を呼び、クリーンで健康的な生活という世界的なトレンドに合致している。




- 多文化都市市場:都市部、特に米国、カナダ、ドイツでは、多文化人口が着実に 増加しており、電気チャパティ・メーカーに大きなビジネスチャンス をもたらしている。南アジア系の人々は、伝統的な調理を容易にする家電製品を好む傾向があるが、インド系以外の消費者も、こうした機器が提供する利便性に関心を持ち始めている。
- 健康とウェルネスの分野:健康への関心がグローバル化するにつれ、健康トレンドにマッチした製品を販売する機会が増えている。全粒粉、低油調理、あるいはグルテンフリーの小麦粉オプションを提供する電動チャパティメーカーは、健康ブームが定着しつつある米国、欧州、アジアの一部の健康志向の消費者にアピールできる。
- 都市生活と小さなキッチン:世界の人口が都市に移り住み、住居スペースが狭くなるにつれて、コンパクトな家電製品が常に求められている。都市生活と狭いキッチンを念頭に置いて設計された電気チャパティ・メーカーは、この市場ニッチを満たし、消費者の生活にシームレスにフィットする効果的で便利な調理ソリューションを提供することができる。
- スマートホームとの統合:スマートホームの発展は、遠隔操作、カスタマイズ、エネルギー監視などのスマート特性を特徴とする電気チャパティメーカーに新たな市場機会をもたらす。このようなスマート家電は、キッチンの利便性と制御を求める消費者の共感を呼び、メーカーは成長するスマートホーム市場に参入する機会を得る。
- 新興市場拡大の可能性:中国、ブラジル、インドなどの国々で可処分所得が増加し、中産階級が増加しているため、電気チャパティメーカーメーカーは事業拡大のチャンスを手にしている。これらの地域では、この種の調理器具を求める人が増えており、これらの市場に参入することで大きな利益を得られる可能性がある。




- 技術の進歩:インターネットに対応し、多機能でエネルギー効率の高い電気チャパティ・メーカーの登場は重要な進展である。こうした改良は、効率性、制御性、持続可能性に対する消費者ニーズを満たし、成熟市場と新興市場の両方での採用を刺激している。
- 利便性と時間節約需要:時間節約ガジェットへの需要が電動チャパティ・メーカー市場を後押ししている。調理に時間を割ける人が減り、準備や調理にかかる時間を最小限に抑える方法を求める人が増えているため、チャパティ作りを含め、素早く簡単に作業を実行できる家電製品が受け入れられるようになっている。
- 健康とウェルネスのトレンド:健康志向の高い人々の間では、健康的な調理を促す家電製品の人気が高まっている。低油調理を可能にしたり、グルテンフリーや全粒粉チャパティなど特定の食事ニーズに対応したりする電動チャパティメーカーの数が増えている。
- 都市化とコンパクトキッチン:キッチンのスペースが限られている都市部に住む人々の間では、コンパクトで多機能な製品への需要が高まっている。この点で、電気チャパティメーカーのコンパクトな設計と追加調理機能が需要を牽引すると予想される。
- 文化的影響と人口動態の成長:特に米国、英国、カナダでは南アジアのコミュニティが拡大しており、伝統的な食品の調理を容易にする電化製品の市場ポテンシャルが拡大している。このような多文化人口の増加は、電気チャパティメーカーに大きな市場ポテンシャルをもたらす。


- 価格敏感性:低価格帯では市場のセグメンテーションが限定的であり、一部の消費者にとっては価格に敏感であるため、電動チャパティ・メーカーを完全に受け入れることは難しい。また、特に伝統的なチャパティの作り方がすでに広く使われている場合、ニッチすぎると思われる製品の購入に消極的な消費者もいるかもしれない。
- 市場競争:同じ市場機会は、既存メーカーや新規参入企業との厳しい競争も意味し、多くの企業にとって際立った存在になることは困難である。イノベーション、ブランディング、付加価値による差別化が長期的成功のカギとなる。
- 消費者の意識:この製品の利点が理解されていないため、この製品の消費は多くの地域でまだ広く認知されていない。南アジア以外の市場では、なぜこの家電製品が適切なのかを強調する適切な教育とマーケティング・キャンペーンが必要である。




- プレステージ
- バジャージ
- フィリップス
- ロティマティック
- ケンスター
- ワンダーシェフ
- マハラジャ・ホワイトライン
- ハベルズ
- サンフレーム
- ジャイパン




- 全自動
- 半自動
- 手動式


- 100チャパティ未満
- 100〜500チャパティ
- 500チャパティ以上


- 商業用
- 家庭用
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、南アジアの惣菜や多目的に使用できるキッチン機器に対する需要の高まりから、電動チャパティメーカー市場が拡大している。電動チャパティ・メーカーが提供する利便性は、フラットブレッドを簡単かつ迅速に調理するために、南アジア系の米国人家庭数世帯にこれらの機器の導入を促している。そのため、特に南アジア系移民の増加に伴い、この需要は今後も伸び続けると予想される。
- 中国:中国では、電動チャパティ・メーカーの台頭は、外国の食品に対する都市部の中間層の需要の高まりと一致している。さらに、中国人の間でインド文化への関心が高まっており、多様な食生活への欲求もこの市場の拡大に拍車をかけている。複数の中国企業が、国内外向けの電動チャパティ・メーカーの製造に乗り出している。
- ドイツドイツでは、トルコ、インド、パキスタンのコミュニティを中心に、人口の多文化化が進むにつれて、電動チャパティ・メーカーの人気が高まっている。手作り料理の人気の高まりと多様な料理への欲求が、電動チャパティの使用を後押ししている。ドイツでは、効率的で均一な調理工程を可能にするこれらの機器が、フラットブレッド作りに重宝されている。
- インド効率的で時間を節約できることから、インド、特に都市部では電気チャパティメーカーの人気が高まっている。近代的なキッチン機器を導入する家庭が増えるにつれ、電気式チャパティメーカーはほとんどの家庭で必要不可欠なアクセサリーとなっている。電気式が好まれる理由は、調理にかかる労力を最小限に抑えながら、ムラのない柔らかなチャパティが保証されるからである。
- 日本他の地域に比べ、日本では電気チャパティ・メーカーの市場は小さいが、より多くの人々が様々な料理に興味を持つようになり、その人気は上昇傾向にある。在日外国人の数が増え続けるにつれて、電動チャパティメーカーを含む特定のキッチン機器の需要も増え続けている。さらに、日本で入手可能な厨房機器の種類が増加していることも、この市場の成長を支えている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.4.2: 100~500チャパティ
3.5: 電動チャパティメーカーの世界市場:エンドユース別
3.5.2: 家庭用

4.5: ROW電動チャパティメーカー市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: バジャージ
7.3: フィリップス
7.8: ハベルズ
7.9: サンフレーム
7.10: ジャイパン





Electric Chapati Maker Trends and Forecast

The future of the global electric chapati maker market looks promising with opportunities in the commercial and household markets. The global electric chapati maker market is expected to reach an estimated $41.6 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the growing prices of cooking gas, the increasing number of working individuals, and the rising preference for convenient cooking solutions.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the capacity category, less than 100 is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to its considerable usage in residential spaces such as homes.
• Within this end-use category, the household is expected to witness higher growth due to the rising need among individuals and families for electric chapati makers as household kitchen gadgets to expedite cooking and streamline the chapati-making process.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period due to rapid urbanization, growing populations' disposable income, and the presence of key players in the region.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Electric Chapati Maker Market

The market is evolving with new technologies for the electric chapatti maker, such as smarter designs, multifunctionality, and energy efficiency. These appliances are becoming more popular as consumers embrace convenience. Let’s evaluate the primary trends that are changing the market.

• Newest Features, Smart IoT Appliances: In recent times, more and more electric chapatti makers have been paired with IoT features that allow users to perform cooking processes remotely using a mobile app. This innovation enables convenience by allowing consumers to multitask and adjust cooking times or temperatures. These features are particularly valuable to consumers in urban regions who are often busy.
• Multi-Functionality: In recent years, the evolution of electric chapatti makers has transformed them into multi-purpose devices that can prepare chapatti, grill, toast, and bake. This allows consumers who want kitchen devices that perform multiple roles to meet their needs. This trend is especially advantageous for families and working individuals who are pressed for space in their kitchens.
• The Trend Towards Compact and Portable Designs: Given the growing trend of urbanization, factors such as compactness and portability are being considered in the design of electric chapatti makers. City residents and consumers living in shared apartments prefer small, space-saving models. This trend is also appreciated by people who prefer to store appliances after heavy usage, as these models do not require much space.
• Energy Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness: With the increase in global warming, there has also been a rise in the demand for energy-saving electric chapatti makers. Awareness of adopting greener models and using sustainable packaging is also on the rise. Consumers are looking for low-energy-consuming, long-lasting electric chapatti maker models. This trend is likely to continue as people’s concerns about the environment grow worldwide.
• Health-Conscious Features: A large portion of the target audience is now looking for appliances that help them achieve their health and fitness objectives. The demand for electric chapatti makers that can cook chapattis with lower oil intake or those that can use whole wheat and gluten-free flour is increasing. These health-driven innovations are particularly relevant for consumers in the US and Europe, who are more health-conscious.

The market for electric chapatti makers is driven by the design of smart, versatile, and portable appliances capable of working efficiently. There is a shift in consumer preferences, prompting manufacturers to incorporate advanced technology in their processes. These trends are transforming the market and enhancing penetration in other regions worldwide.

Recent Developments in the Electric Chapati Maker Market

The more recent developments in the electric chapatti maker market have focused on enhanced capability, design, and energy usage. The rise in consumer demand for more features such as multi-use and smart technology has prompted manufacturers to create multi-functional, efficient, and easy-to-use products, which are expanding both traditional and new markets.

• Introduction of Smart Electric Chapatti Makers: Smart electric chapatti makers integrated with IoT technology enable consumers to control the cooking process from their mobile devices. These appliances make life easier by allowing for more precise cooking control during chapatti preparation. For tech enthusiasts, the integration of smart technology into kitchen appliances is also appealing, as it offers automation and remote control.
• Multi-Functional Cooking Gadgets: Compact electric chapatti makers have been developed to incorporate functions like grilling, toasting, and cooking other flatbreads. Such devices are becoming increasingly appealing to consumers who often have limited kitchen space. One appliance with multiple functions appeals to a wide range of cooking needs.
• Sustainability Focus: Consumers are now more conscious of environmental issues, and brands are responding by developing energy-saving electric chapatti makers. These devices are suitable for eco-friendly consumers, as they have a low carbon footprint. This emphasis on sustainability is increasing the product’s attractiveness in markets where consumers are more environmentally responsible.
• Compact Design Innovations: Chapatti makers are also being designed in smaller sizes to cater to smaller kitchens and urban apartments. These models are light, portable, and easy to store. Performance is not compromised by compactness, and these models are ideal for people with limited space in smaller homes or apartments.
• Health-Focused Features: To meet the needs of the growing health-conscious segment, manufacturers are offering features such as less oil usage or the ability to use whole wheat and gluten-free flours. These features resonate with consumers who wish to maintain a healthy diet and align with the global trend of clean and healthy living.

The increasing use of smart technology, multi-functionality, health-focused features, and energetic marketing campaigns are changing the perception of electric chapatti makers among the masses. These improvements are enhancing user convenience, enabling green innovations, and responding to the growing consumer demand for healthier cooking. The electric chapatti maker segment has a long way to go in many regions, and it is poised for growth.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Electric Chapati Maker Market

The electric chapatti maker market has a unique selling proposition across applications and offers various competitive growth opportunities, especially in regions where South Asian populations are increasing along with the demand for easier cooking appliances. Its position can be strengthened by focusing on the product’s innovative features, consumer aspirations for smart, multifunctional, and energy-efficient products, and expansion into new economies.

• Multicultural Urban Markets: The steadily growing multicultural population in urban areas, especially in the US, Canada, and Germany, offers enormous opportunities for electric chapatti makers. South Asian people tend to be more receptive to appliances that facilitate traditional cooking, but even non-Indian consumers are starting to warm up to the convenience these devices offer.
• Health and Wellness Segments: With health concerns becoming more globalized, there is an increasing opportunity to sell products that match the growing health trend. Electric chapatti makers that offer whole wheat, low-oil cooking alternatives, or even gluten-free flour options can appeal to health-conscious consumers in the US, Europe, and parts of Asia where health fads are taking root.
• Urban Living and Small Kitchens: As the world’s population moves into cities and housing spaces become smaller, there is always a demand for compact appliances. Electric chapatti makers designed with urban life and small kitchens in mind can fill this market niche and offer consumers an effective and convenient cooking solution that fits seamlessly into their lives.
• Smart Home Integration: The development of smart homes presents a new market opportunity for electric chapatti makers that feature smart attributes such as remote control, customization, and energy monitoring. Such smart appliances resonate well with consumers who seek convenience and control over their kitchens, providing manufacturers an opportunity to tap into the growing smart home market.
• Potential for Expansion in Emerging Markets: Electric chapatti maker manufacturers now have a chance to expand their business due to increasing disposable income and a growing middle class in countries like China, Brazil, and India. With more people in these regions looking for these types of cooking appliances, penetrating these markets could provide significant benefits.

The electric chapatti maker market finds strategic growth opportunities in urban multicultural marketing, health-oriented marketing, compact living spaces, smart home integration, and emerging markets. Addressing the dynamic consumer demands in these regions will allow manufacturers to stimulate growth and sustain competitiveness in the global kitchen appliance market.

Electric Chapati Maker Market Driver and Challenges

The market for electric chapatti makers is influenced by technological advancements, the growing needs for convenience among consumers, and the rising focus on healthy cooking globally. However, challenges such as price points, competition, and market education must be addressed to fully harness the market’s potential.

The factors driving the electric chapatti maker market include:
• Technological Advancements: The introduction of internet-enabled, multifunctional, and energy-efficient electric chapatti makers has been a key development. These improvements meet consumer needs for efficiency, control, and sustainability, stimulating adoption in both mature and emerging markets.
• Convenience and Time-Saving Demand: The demand for time-saving gadgets is propelling the electric chapatti maker market. With fewer people having time for cooking, and more people looking for ways to minimize preparation and cooking time, there has been an increased acceptance of appliances that enable quick and easy task execution, including chapatti making.
• Health and Wellness Trends: Appliances that encourage healthy cooking practices are becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious individuals. The number of electric chapatti makers that allow for low-oil preparations or cater to specific dietary needs, such as gluten-free or whole wheat chapattis, is growing.
• Urbanization and Compact Kitchens: There is an increasing demand for compact, multifunctional products among populations living in urban areas, where kitchen space is limited. In this regard, the electric chapatti maker’s compact design, combined with additional cooking functions, is expected to drive demand.
• Cultural Influence and Demographic Growth: South Asian communities, particularly in the US, UK, and Canada, are growing, which expands the market potential for appliances that facilitate the cooking of traditional foods. This growing multicultural population offers significant market potential for electric chapatti makers.

Challenges in the electric chapatti maker Market:

• Price Sensitivity: Market segmentation is limited in the lower price range, and price sensitivity makes it difficult for some consumers to fully embrace electric chapatti makers. There may also be reluctance among consumers to purchase a product they view as overly niche, especially where traditional methods of making chapatti are already widely used.
• Market Competition: The same market opportunities also imply stiff competition from established manufacturers and new entrants, making it challenging for many companies to stand out. Differentiation through innovation, branding, and added-value features will be key to long-term success.
• Consumer Awareness: The consumption of this product has not yet gained widespread recognition in many regions due to a lack of understanding of its benefits. There is a need for proper education and marketing campaigns in non-South Asian markets to highlight why these appliances are relevant.

The electric chapatti maker market benefits from technological innovation, convenience, health lifestyle changes, urban growth, and population increase. However, to succeed, manufacturers must overcome challenges related to price sensitivity, competition, and consumer education. Addressing these factors will open new opportunities and broaden the market for these appliances in both stagnant and growing economies.

List of Electric Chapati Maker Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies electric chapati maker companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the electric chapati maker companies profiled in this report include-

• Prestige
• Bajaj
• Philips
• Rotimatic
• Kenstar
• Wonderchef
• Maharaja Whiteline
• Havells
• Sunflame
• Jaipan

Electric Chapati Maker by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global electric chapati maker by type, capacity, end use, and region.

Electric Chapati Maker Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Fully-Automatic
• Semi-Automatic
• Manual

Electric Chapati Maker Market by Capacity [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Less than 100 Chapatis
• 100 to 500 Chapatis
• More than 500 Chapatis

Electric Chapati Maker Market by End Use [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Commercial
• Household
• Others

Electric Chapati Maker Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Electric Chapati Maker Market

The electric chapati maker market has performed consistently well due to technological advancements, changes in consumer patterns, and an increase in consumers seeking time-saving devices in the kitchen. This has led to greater demand for electric chapati makers in regions with high populations of South Asian communities, such as India, as well as in the United States. Additionally, key markets like China, Germany, and Japan are expanding within this segment.

• United States: In the U.S., the market for electric chapati makers is expanding due to a growing demand for South Asian delicacies and kitchen devices that serve multiple purposes. The convenience offered by electric chapati makers has encouraged several American households of South Asian descent to adopt these devices for the easy and fast preparation of flatbreads. As such, it is anticipated that this demand will continue to grow, especially with the increasing South Asian immigrant population.
• China: In China, the rise of the electric chapati maker coincides with an emerging demand among the urban middle class for foreign foods. Additionally, the growing interest in Indian culture among Chinese people, along with their desire for a varied diet, has fueled the expansion of this market. Several Chinese companies have begun manufacturing electric chapati makers for both domestic and international consumption.
• Germany: The electric chapati maker is gaining popularity in Germany as the population becomes increasingly multicultural, particularly with Turkish, Indian, and Pakistani communities. The growing popularity of homemade food and the desire for diverse cuisines are driving the use of electric chapatis. In Germany, people find these devices useful for making flatbreads, as they are efficient and enable a uniform cooking process.
• India: Due to their efficiency and time-saving capacity, electric chapati makers are becoming increasingly popular in India, particularly in urban areas. As more homes adopt modern kitchen appliances, the electric chapati maker is emerging as an essential accessory in most households. The electric models are preferred because they guarantee soft chapatis that are evenly cooked while ensuring minimal effort from the cook.
• Japan: Compared to other regions, the electric chapati maker has a smaller market in Japan, but its popularity is on the rise as more people develop an interest in different cuisines. As the number of overseas residents in Japan continues to grow, so does the demand for certain kitchen appliances, including the electric chapati maker. Furthermore, the increasing variety of kitchen devices available in Japan is supporting the growth of this market.

Features of the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market

Market Size Estimates: Electric chapati maker market size estimation in terms of value ($M).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Electric chapati maker market size by type, capacity, end use, and region in terms of value ($M).
Regional Analysis: Electric chapati maker market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different types, capacities, end uses, and regions for the electric chapati maker market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the electric chapati maker market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the electric chapati maker market by type (fully-automatic, semi-automatic, and manual), capacity (less than 100 chapatis, 100 to 500 chapatis, and more than 500 chapatis), end use (commercial, household, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Electric Chapati Maker Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Electric Chapati Maker Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by Type
3.3.1: Fully-Automatic
3.3.2: Semi-Automatic
3.3.3: Manual
3.4: Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by Capacity
3.4.1: Less than 100 Chapatis
3.4.2: 100 to 500 Chapatis
3.4.3: More than 500 Chapatis
3.5: Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by End Use
3.5.1: Commercial
3.5.2: Household
3.5.3: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by Region
4.2: North American Electric Chapati Maker Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Capacity: Less than 100 Chapatis, 100 to 500 Chapatis, and More than 500 Chapatis
4.2.2: North American Market by End Use: Commercial, Household, and Others
4.3: European Electric Chapati Maker Market
4.3.1: European Market by Capacity: Less than 100 Chapatis, 100 to 500 Chapatis, and More than 500 Chapatis
4.3.2: European Market by End Use: Commercial, Household, and Others
4.4: APAC Electric Chapati Maker Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Capacity: Less than 100 Chapatis, 100 to 500 Chapatis, and More than 500 Chapatis
4.4.2: APAC Market by End Use: Commercial, Household, and Others
4.5: ROW Electric Chapati Maker Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Capacity: Less than 100 Chapatis, 100 to 500 Chapatis, and More than 500 Chapatis
4.5.2: ROW Market by End Use: Commercial, Household, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by Capacity
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by End Use
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Electric Chapati Maker Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Prestige
7.2: Bajaj
7.3: Philips
7.4: Rotimatic
7.5: Kenstar
7.6: Wonderchef
7.7: Maharaja Whiteline
7.8: Havells
7.9: Sunflame
7.10: Jaipan







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2025/02/10 10:27

152.96 円

158.19 円

192.35 円
