
北米のスマートメーター - 第6版

北米のスマートメーター - 第6版

Smart Metering in North America - 6th Edition

概要 北米のスマートメータ市場に関する詳細情報と包括的なデータをお探しですか?この調査レポートは、北米のスマート電力計の設置台数は予測期間を通じて複合年間成長率(CAGR)3.8%で成長し、2023... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Berg Insight
2024年6月7日 Eur1,800
メール納品:通常2営業日以内 125 英語










  • 米国とカナダの詳細な市場プロファイル。
  • スマートグリッド通信のための次世代PLC、RF、セルラー技術の360度の概要。
  • 北米のスマートメーター業界の主要プレーヤーのプロファイル。
  • 2029年までのスマート電力計の新たな予測。
  • 米国とカナダにおける最新の市場および業界動向の分析。
  • 主要エネルギーグループによるスマートメータリング・プロジェクトのケーススタディ。





北米は技術的に進んだ市場であり、スマートグリッドの文脈でスマート電力計が導入されている。今日ではワイヤレスRF技術が好まれ、電力・ガス両分野で設置の大半を占めている。大手企業は、認可されたサブGHz帯に加えて、認可されていない915 MHz ISMバンド用の独自のRFメッシュまたはスター型トポロジープラットフォームを提供している。Landis+Gyr や Itron などのベンダーが提供するWi-SUNベースのメッシュネットワークが現在最も普及しており、出荷台数の大半を占めている。北米地域では、主に変電所あたりのメーターの割合が低いという送電網の特性により、PLCは一般的に性能とコストの点で劣っていると認識されている。セルラー通信は、主にRF通信に比べてコストが高すぎると認識されているため、この地域ではこれまで限定的な導入にとどまっていた。しかし、過去10年間で、合計500万メーター未満の大規模なセルラー通信の導入が数件行われた。



  • 米国とカナダでは、エネルギー政策によってスマートメータ導入がどのように推進されているのか?
  • 北米の主要電力会社の現在の導入状況は?
  • 北米でスマートメータ導入を主導している電力会社はどこか?
  • 北米でスマートメーターに使用されている通信技術は?
  • 北米の主要スマートメータリング・ソリューション・プロバイダーは?
  • 北米における第二世代スマートメーター導入の見通しは?
  • 米国とカナダの主な電力会社とガス会社は?






1 スマートグリッドとインテリジェントメーター

1.1 スマートグリッド入門
1.2 スマートメーター
1.2.1 スマートメーター・アプリケーション
1.2.2 スマートメーターのインフラ
1.2.3 スマートメーターの利点
1.3 プロジェクト戦略
1.3.1 システム設計と調達
1.3.2 展開と統合
1.3.3 導入と運用
1.3.4 顧客とのコミュニケーション
1.4 規制上の問題
1.4.1 スマートメーター導入モデル
1.4.2 標準化
1.4.3 個人の権利問題

2 IoTネットワークと通信技術

2.1 IoTネットワーク技術
2.1.1 ネットワーク・アーキテクチャ
2.1.2 アンライセンス周波数帯とライセンス周波数帯
2.2 PLC技術と標準
2.2.1 国際標準化団体
2.2.2 G3-PLC
2.2.3 PRIME
2.2.4 メーターとその他
2.3 3GPPセルラーおよびLPWA技術
2.3.1 2G/3G/4G/5Gセルラー技術とIoT
2.3.2 NB-IoTとLTE-M
2.3.3 スマートメーター通信におけるセルラーネットワークの役割
2.3.4 LoRaとLoRaWAN
2.3.5 Sigfox
2.4 IEEE 802.15.4ベースのRF
2.4.1 IEEE 802.15.4
2.4.2 Wi-SUN
2.4.3 802.15.4ベースの独自IPv6接続スタック

3 スマートメーター業界のプレーヤー

3.1 メーター・ベンダー
3.1.1  Itron
3.1.2  Landis+Gyr
3.1.3  Aclara (Hubbell)
3.1.4  Gridspertise
3.1.5  Honeywell
3.1.6  Nansen (Sanxing Electric)
3.1.7 Networked Energy Services (NES)
3.1.8 Sagemcom
3.1.9 Sensus (Xylem)
3.1.10 Vision Metering
3.1.11 Wasion
3.2 通信ソリューション・プロバイダー
3.2.1 4RF
3.2.2 Eaton
3.2.3 Nighthawk
3.2.4 Tantalus Systems
3.2.5 Trilliant
3.2.6 UBIIK
3.2.7 Wirepas
3.3 ソフトウェアソリューションプロバイダー
3.3.1  Hansen Technologies
3.3.2  Harris Utilities
3.3.3  IPKeys Power Partners
3.3.4  Oracle
3.3.5  OSIsoft (Aveva)
3.3.6  SAP
3.3.7  Siemens
3.4 システムインテグレーターと通信サービスプロバイダー
3.4.1  Accenture
3.4.2  Capgemini
3.4.3  Cisco
3.4.4  Greenbird Integration Technology (GE Vernova)
3.4.5  IBM
3.4.6  Verizon

4 市場の概要

4.1 地域別概要
4.2 米国
4.2.1 電気・ガス事業者
4.2.2 スマートグリッドの資金調達と政策
4.2.3 地域の概要 北東部
4.2.4 地域概要 中西部
4.2.5 地域の概要 南部
4.2.6 概要 西部
4.3 カナダ
4.3.1 電気・ガス事業者
4.3.2 オンタリオ州のスマートメーター展開
4.3.3 他の州におけるスマートメーターへの取り組み

5 市場予測と動向

5.1 スマートエネルギーメータリング市場の概要
5.1.1 市場予測
5.1.2 技術動向
5.1.3 業界分析

6 ケーススタディ

6.1 北米におけるスマートメータリングプロジェクト
6.1.1 Ameren
6.1.2 Consolidated Edison
6.1.3 Entergy
6.1.4 BC Hydro
6.1.5 Hydro-Québec




2024-06-07 プレスリリース

IoTアナリスト企業Berg Insightの新しい調査報告書によると、北米におけるスマート電力メーターの普及率は2023年に80%に達することが明らかになった。全体として、スマート電力メーターの設置台数は2023年から2029年にかけて年平均成長率3.8%で増加し、予測期間終了時には合計1億8290万台に達する。今後6年間で、米国におけるスマートメーターの普及率は94%まで上昇し、より先進的なカナダ市場では96%に達すると予想される。

「第一世代スマートメーターの出荷量は、年間出荷量に占める割合がますます小さくなっていくだろう。今後2年間で、AEP、PSEG、Xcel Energy、First Energy、PPL、Dominion Energy、National Grid、Ameren、Avangrid、Exelon、AESといった電力会社による第一世代プロジェクトは、第一世代スマート電力メーターの年間出荷台数500万台から700万台に貢献するだろう。一方、第2世代スマートメーターの導入は、スマートメーターの年間出荷台数に占める割合が増加しており、予測期間終了時には年間出荷台数の80%以上を占めると予測されています」と、Berg InsightのIoTアナリスト、Mattias Carlssonは述べている。同調査によると、北米におけるスマート電力メーターの年間出荷台数は、2024年に1,850万台でピークを迎え、徐々に減少して2029年には1,490万台になると予測している。







Are you looking for detailed information and comprehensive data about the North American smart metering market? The study concludes that the installed base of smart electricity meters in north America will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8 percent throughout the forecast period, from 145.9 million in 2023 to 182.9 million in 2029. Get up to date with the latest information about vendors, products and local developments in each country.



Smart Metering in North America is the sixth consecutive market report from Berg Insight analysing the latest smart metering developments in the US and Canada covering both electricity and gas. This strategic research report from Berg Insight provides you with over 125 pages of unique business intelligence, including 5-year industry forecasts, expert commentary and real-life case studies on which to base your business decisions.

Highlights from this report:

  • In-depth market profiles of the US and Canada.
  • 360-degree overview of next-generation PLC, RF and cellular technologies for smart grid communications.
  • Profiles of the key players in the smart metering industry in North America.
  • New forecasts for smart electricity meters until 2029.
  • Analysis of the latest market and industry developments in the US and Canada.
  • Case studies of smart metering projects by the leading energy groups.

The smart electricity meter penetration rate in North America reached 80 percent at the end of 2023

Smart metering is widely regarded as the cornerstone for future smart grids and is currently being deployed all over the developed world, with a growing number of large-scale initiatives now also being launched in developing countries. Asia-Pacific constitutes the largest market by far while North America ranks as the third largest market after Europe. North America and Europe are two highly dynamic market regions that saw a wave of massive smart metering projects being launched or completed during the first half of the past decade. Several major utilities in these regions are thus now preparing for a second-wave of deployments to take off, driven by new smart meter functionalities and smart energy use-cases. Berg Insight forecasts that the installed base of smart electricity meters in North America will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3.8 percent throughout the forecast period, from 145.9 million in 2023 to a total of 182.9 million in 2029. The installed base of smart electricity meters in the US reached 130.6 million in 2023, while the installed base of smart electricity meters in Canada reached 15.4 million in the same year. The penetration of smart electricity meters is higher in Canada compared to the US however this difference is expected to continuously shrink until 2029 when the countries are forecasted to have penetration rates of 96 percent and 94 percent respectively.

North America was the first region in the world to move beyond traditional energy metering through the widespread introduction of AMR which started in the 1980s. Today, intelligent grids are becoming an integral part of the development of smart cities, and smart meters’ ability to improve the reliability and resilience of energy supply constitutes an important driver of growth in the region. A significant majority of the large investor-owned utilities in North America are now either fully deployed or in the implementation or planning phases of large-scale projects, and a second-wave of deployments is now on the horizon for the early adopters. The penetration of smart electricity meters in the region was around 80 percent in 2023 and expected to increase to above 94 percent in 2029, mostly driven by large investor-owned utility projects in the US as the relatively mature market in Canada is only expected to see moderate growth. In terms of total shipments of smart electricity meters, second-wave rollouts for early adopters are ramping up and will grow their share of annual shipment volumes throughout the forecast period, accounting for more than 85 percent by the end of the forecast period.

The market in North America is dominated by the two US-based companies AcIara and Itron, as well as Swiss-based Landis+Gyr. Itron and Landis+Gyr have a 34 and 32 percent market share respectively of the installed base of smart electricity meters in North America. Aclara is in third place with a market share of 22 percent and the remaining 13 percent is predominately shared between Honeywell and Sensus. In terms of network endpoints, the largest player is Itron with a market share of 63 percent, followed by Landis+Gyr with a market share of 25 percent and Sensus with an 8 percent market share.

North America is a technologically advanced market where smart electricity metering is implemented in the context of the smart grid. Wireless RF technologies are today preferred and account for the vast majority of installations, both in the electricity and the gas sectors. The leading players provide proprietary RF mesh or star topology platforms for the unlicensed 915 MHz ISM band, in addition to licensed sub-GHz spectrums. Wi-SUN-based mesh networks offered by vendors such as Landis+Gyr and Itron is currently the most widespread variant and also accounts for the majority of shipments. In the North American region PLC has generally been perceived as inferior in terms of performance and cost mainly due to the characteristics of the grid, where the ratio of meters per substation is low. Cellular communications have historically enjoyed limited adoption in the region, mainly because being perceived as too costly compared to RF communications. A few significant cellular deployments totalling less than 5 million meters have however been made throughout the past decade.

Among utilities which have already deployed advanced electricity metering infrastructure, interest is now growing for being able to leverage the installed RF network for applications beyond smart metering and bring a wider array of devices onto the platform. Most network platforms are already designed to support a number of smart grid applications in addition to two-way communications with meters. With the advanced metering infrastructure in place, increasing investments in areas such as distribution automation, distributed energy resources (DERs), electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and smart streetlighting are however highlighting the need for further synergies.

This report answers the following questions:

  • How are energy policies driving the adoption of smart metering in the US and Canada?
  • What is the current deployment status of major utilities across North America?
  • Which utilities are leading the adoption of smart metering in North America?
  • Which communications technologies are being used for smart metering in North America?
  • Which are the leading smart metering solution providers in North America?
  • What is the outlook for second-generation smart metering rollouts in North America?
  • Which are the main electricity and gas utilities in the US and Canada?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
List of Figures

Executive summary

1    Smart Grids and Intelligent Meters

1.1    Introduction to smart grids
1.2    Smart metering
1.2.1    Smart metering applications
1.2.2    Smart metering infrastructure
1.2.3    Benefits of smart metering
1.3    Project strategies
1.3.1    System design and sourcing
1.3.2    Rollout and integration
1.3.3    Implementation and operation
1.3.4    Communication with customers
1.4    Regulatory issues
1.4.1    Models for the introduction of smart meters
1.4.2    Standardisation
1.4.3    Individual rights issues

2    IoT Networks and Communications Technologies

2.1    IoT network technologies
2.1.1    Network architectures
2.1.2    Unlicensed and licensed frequency bands
2.2    PLC technology and standards
2.2.1    International standards organisations
2.2.2    G3-PLC
2.2.3    PRIME
2.2.4    Meters & More
2.3    3GPP cellular and LPWA technologies
2.3.1    2G/3G/4G/5G cellular technologies and IoT
2.3.2    NB-IoT and LTE-M
2.3.3    The role of cellular networks in smart meter communications
2.3.4    LoRa & LoRaWAN
2.3.5    Sigfox
2.4    IEEE 802.15.4-based RF
2.4.1    IEEE 802.15.4
2.4.2    Wi-SUN
2.4.3    Proprietary IPv6 connectivity stacks based on 802.15.4

3    Smart Metering Industry Players

3.1    Meter vendors
3.1.1    Itron
3.1.2    Landis+Gyr
3.1.3    Aclara (Hubbell)
3.1.4    Gridspertise
3.1.5    Honeywell
3.1.6    Nansen (Sanxing Electric)
3.1.7    Networked Energy Services (NES)
3.1.8    Sagemcom
3.1.9    Sensus (Xylem)
3.1.10    Vision Metering
3.1.11    Wasion
3.2    Communications solution providers
3.2.1    4RF
3.2.2    Eaton
3.2.3    Nighthawk
3.2.4    Tantalus Systems
3.2.5    Trilliant
3.2.6    UBIIK
3.2.7    Wirepas
3.3    Software solution providers
3.3.1    Hansen Technologies
3.3.2    Harris Utilities
3.3.3    IPKeys Power Partners
3.3.4    Oracle
3.3.5    OSlsoft (Aveva)
3.3.6    SAP
3.3.7    Siemens
3.4    System integrators and communications service providers
3.4.1    Accenture
3.4.2    Capgemini
3.4.3    Cisco
3.4.4    Greenbird Integration Technology (GE Vernova)
3.4.5    IBM
3.4.6    Verizon

4    Market Overview

4.1    Regional summary
4.2    United States
4.2.1    Electricity and gas utilities
4.2.2    Smart grid funding and policies
4.2.3    Regional overview: Northeast
4.2.4    Regional overview: Midwest
4.2.5    Regional overview: South
4.2.6    Regional overview: West
4.3    Canada
4.3.1    Electricity and gas utilities
4.3.2    Ontario’s smart meter rollout
4.3.3    Smart metering initiatives in other provinces

5    Market Forecasts and Trends

5.1    Overview of the smart energy metering market
5.1.1    Market forecast
5.1.2    Technology trends
5.1.3    Industry analysis

6    Case Studies

6.1    Smart metering projects in North America
6.1.1    Ameren
6.1.2    Consolidated Edison
6.1.3    Entergy
6.1.4    BC Hydro
6.1.5    Hydro-Québec



Press Release

2024-06-07 Press releases
94 percent of all electricity meters in North America will be smart in 2029

A new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight reveals that the penetration of smart electricity meters in North America reached 80 percent in 2023. Overall, the installed base of smart electricity meters will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 3.8 percent during 2023–2029, reaching a total of 182.9 million units by the end of the forecast period. Over the next six years, the penetration of smart meters in the US will increase to 94 percent while in the more advanced Canadian market, it will reach 96 percent.

“First-generation smart meter shipments will account for an increasingly smaller share of annual shipment volumes. In the next two years, first-generation projects by utilities such as AEP, PSEG, Xcel Energy, First Energy, PPL, Dominion Energy, National Grid, Ameren, Avangrid, Exelon and AES will contribute to annual first-generation smart electricity meter shipments ranging from 5 to 7 million units. Meanwhile, second-generation smart meter deployments account for a growing share of annual smart meter shipment volumes and are forecast to account for more than 80 percent of yearly shipments by the end of the forecast period,” said Mattias Carlsson, IoT Analyst at Berg Insight. According to the study, yearly shipments of smart electricity meters in North America will peak at 18.5 million in 2024 and gradually decline to 14.9 million units by 2029.

Alongside the increase in replacement smart meter projects, the development of smart metering technology in the North American market has recently shifted focus to new demands beyond smart metering. Utilities are now looking to leverage their existing network canopies for a wider array of smart city applications. They are also addressing how to integrate the rapidly increasing number of electric vehicles and distributed energy resources into the grid infrastructure. “The leading vendors are now in a race to develop and successfully market the most compelling use cases for second-generation smart metering technology. In addition to enhanced computing power, edge analytics and more frequent meter reads that offer a new range of benefits and control, utilities are increasingly seeking to combine various applications into a unified solution”, concluded Mr. Carlsson.







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