


Plaster Accelerator Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

しっくい促進剤の動向と予測 世界のしっくい促進剤市場の将来は、住宅、商業、工業の各市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。しっくい促進剤の世界市場は、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率が6.0... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年9月1日 US$4,850
お問合わせください 英語






- 環境に優しい処方へのシフト:メーカー各社は、厳しい規制を遵守して環境への影響を低減する製剤を開発している。この変化は消費者の持続可能性への要求に応えるものであり、ターゲット層を構成する環境意識の高い顧客への訴求力を高め、市場の成長を支えている。
- 技術革新:このような進歩には、高度な混和剤の開発や石膏促進剤の製造技術の改良が含まれ、これにより硬化時間の短縮、製品品質の向上、コスト削減が実現し、市場の成長と競争力が促進される。
- 都市化とインフラ整備の進展:新興国では急速な都市化とインフラ整備が進んでおり、効果的な石膏促進剤が必要とされている。この点で、この傾向はメーカーに大規模な建築活動向けの促進剤を提供する機会を与え、市場の拡大を促進する。
- 製品性能と品質の重視:それを可能にするため、ほとんどの企業は、硬化特性と寿命が改善された高性能製品を生み出すことを目的とした研究開発(R&D)に重点を置いている。このような品質向上への重点的な取り組みは、市場拡大を推進すると同時に、建築分野におけるダイナミックなニーズに応えるのに役立っている。
- 市場の地域差:このような地域差は、建設慣行、業界を管理する政策、あるいは消費者の嗜好の違いによって生じ、石膏促進剤の種類によっては他のものより好まれるものもある。 このような相違を理解することは、生産者が提供する製品や取引時に使用する戦略の両方を変更することによって、消費者のニーズに適切に対応するために必要な知識を得ることにつながる。

- 環境に優しい加速器の導入:最近、環境に優しい石膏促進剤を導入し、この製品による環境への影響を軽減する取り組みが行われている。メーカーは現在、グリーンケミストリーの原則や持続可能な生産方法を用いて、持続可能性に対する消費者の需要に応えながら規制に適合した環境に優しい製品を開発している。
- 製剤技術の進歩:技術革新により、硬化時間の改善と耐久性の向上を実現した高性能の石膏促進剤が処方されるようになった。配合技術の進歩は、硬化プロセスをさらにコントロールするのに役立ち、特に建設活動の効率を向上させる。
- 生産能力の拡大:生産インフラへの投資が拡大し、石膏促進剤の製造能力が拡大した。これにより、建設業界からの需要の増加に対応し、促進剤の社内外への供給をサポートする。
- 規制遵守への注力:メーカー各社は、より厳格な規制基準、特に環境と安全に関する基準への準拠を求めている。地域によっては、品質基準など、そのような問題に非常にこだわるため、他の地域とは異なり、受け入れ可能なレベルのみを確保することになる。
- 都市建設プロジェクト:急速な都市化は、大規模な建設プロジェクトの実現に向けた石膏促進剤の高い需要につながる。この好機により、メーカーは効率的で高性能の促進剤を供給することで、建設業者や請負業者のニーズに応えることができる。
- インフラ開発:インフラ整備は、より優れた特性を持つ石膏促進剤を必要とする。メーカーは、インフラプロジェクトに必要な硬化時間の短縮や耐久性の向上といった特定の需要要件に適合する製品を開発することで、この利点を生かすことができる。
- グリーンビルディングへの取り組み:環境に優しい、あるいは持続可能な建築慣行への注目は、グリーンプラスター促進剤の需要を促進する。この好機は、政府規制によって設定されたグリーンビルディング基準に準拠した、環境に優しい製品の創出を後押しするものである。
- 高度な配合技術:配合技術の革新により、より優れた硬化特性を持ち、環境への影響を低減した高性能の促進剤の生産が可能になる。この機会により、メーカーは、ダイナミックな建築業界において変化する顧客要件を満たしながら、競合他社に差をつけることができる。
- 新興市場での拡大:インドと中国は、石膏促進剤で成長する可能性のある発展途上国のひとつである。メーカーは、これらの地域からの需要増に対応するため、生産能力を増強し、販売チャネルを確立することができる。

- 青島Yuyin Chemicals
- Kalyan Industries
- Vijaya Building Materials
- カルダー工業材料
- マニングハム・コンクリート
- 上海ランディトップ石膏機械
- エッガー
- イージミックス
- ジプロック

- 石膏プラスター
- 非石膏プラスター

- 住宅用
- 商業
- 工業用
- その他

- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域

- 米国:米国では、製剤技術の開発が進み、現在の促進剤に代わる、環境的に持続可能な、より効果的な促進剤が開発されている。製造企業は、厳しい環境基準を遵守するなど、環境に優しい促進剤を製造している。さらに、待ち時間の短縮や建設手順の改善に対する需要から、建築現場での高度混和剤技術の採用が増加している。
- 中国中国は、主にその高い都市化率と急成長する建設部門により、石膏促進剤産業の著しい拡大を享受している。最近の技術革新には、環境への影響に対する懸念に対応しながら性能を高める新しい配合が含まれる。加えて、中国のメーカーは、非常に効果的で安価な石膏促進剤の開発を目的とした研究開発プログラムに多額の投資を行っている。さらに、建設ニーズの高まりに対応するため、現地での生産能力も大幅に拡大している。
- ドイツ石膏促進剤市場が革新的な機能を備えた高品質の製品に焦点を当てているドイツでは、ドイツ企業は厳しい欧州連合(EU)の規則に準拠した、より高度な石膏促進剤を開発することに率先して取り組んでいる。そのため、多くの企業が環境に優しい製品を扱うだけでなく、環境に優しい技術を運用している。また、同市場は、主に製品性能の向上や安全性の向上を目的とした研究活動が盛んに行われていることも特徴である。
- インドインドのプラスター促進剤市場は、インフラ開発プロジェクトの実施に伴う建設活動の増加により大きく成長している。最近達成された改良の中には、急成長する建設業界向けに特別に開発された低コストで高効率の促進剤がある。その結果、インドのメーカーは市場競争力を維持するために促進剤の品質向上に取り組まなければならなくなった。さらに、建設業界で使用される技術や慣行の変化により、高度な石膏用促進剤の使用が増加している。
- 日本石膏促進剤は技術的に発展しており、日本の企業は時間を節約し、より効率的な高度な石膏促進剤を製造している。規制への対応や消費者の嗜好から、より環境に優しい製品へとトレンドは移行している。しかし、研究開発の努力は、より効率的で環境への害が少なく、市場成長を促進するものに向けられている。

回答世界のプラスター促進剤市場は、2024年から2030年にかけてCAGR 6.0%で成長すると予測されています。
- 青島Yuyin Chemicals
- Kalyan Industries
- ビジャヤ建材
- カルダー工業材料
- マニングハム・コンクリート
- 上海ランディトップ石膏機械
- エッガー
- イージミックス
- ジプロック
問.8 本レポートのカスタマイズは可能か?
回答はい、Lucintel は追加費用なしで 10% のカスタマイズを提供します。





3.4.3: 工業用
4.5: ROW石膏促進剤市場
6.3: 戦略的分析
7.4: カルダー工業材料
7.5: マニングハム・コンクリート
7.6: USG
7.7: 上海ランディトップ石膏機械
7.8: エッガー
7.9: イージミックス
7.10: ジャイプロック





Plaster Accelerator Trends and Forecast
The future of the global plaster accelerator market looks promising with opportunities in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets. The global plaster accelerator market is expected to reach an estimated $394.0 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 6.0% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are growth of the construction industry where plaster accelerators are widely used, growing awareness of environmental concerns drives the demand for eco-friendly plaster accelerators with minimal harmful chemicals or by-products, and rising adoption of pre-mixed plaster.
Lucintel forecasts that gypsum plaster will remain the largest segment over the forecast period due to it's extensive utilization in the building sector.
Within this market, residential will remain the largest segment due to rising demand for affordable housing, particularly in emerging nations.
APAC is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to high demand in the region owing to the region's abundant gypsum plaster makers.

Emerging Trends in the Plaster Accelerator Market
Advances in technology, changing regulatory standards, and shifts in consumer preferences are driving evolving trends within Plaster Accelerator market. Thus these trends are shaping the market by affecting product development strategies, manufacturing processes as well as application areas.
• Shift Towards Eco-Friendly Formulations: Manufacturers develop formulations that reduce environmental impact complying with stringent regulations. This change meets sustainability demands from consumers thereby supporting market growth due to higher appeal among environmentally conscious customers who constitute its target demographic.
• Technological Innovations: Some of these advances include development of advanced admixtures as well as improvements on production techniques for plaster accelerators which result in faster setting times, better product quality and cost savings, thereby promoting growth and competitiveness in this market.
• Growing Urbanization and Infrastructure Development: The rapid urbanization and infrastructure development taking place in emerging economies necessitates effective plaster accelerators. In this regard, the trend enhances market expansion by giving manufacturers opportunities to provide accelerators meant for large scale building activities.
• Focus on Product Performance and Quality: To make it possible, most organizations are putting their focus on research and development (R&D) aimed at creating high-performance products with improved setting properties and longevity. Such emphasis on quality improvement helps meet dynamic needs within constructions sector while driving market expansion
• Regional Market Variations: These regional differences arise from variations in construction practices, policies governing the industry or preferences by consumers making some types of plaster accelerants more preferred than others Understanding these discrepancies equips producers with knowledge imperative to suitably match consumer needs through modification of both products they offer & strategies they use during trading
These emerging trends are reshaping the Plaster Accelerator market by driving innovation, enhancing product performance, responding to environmental demands associated with climate change transformations and meeting various region specific requirements. Manufacturers must stay attuned to these trends to remain competitive and capitalize on growth opportunities in the evolving market landscape.

Recent Developments in the Plaster Accelerator Market
The plaster accelerator market is changing with new developments that showcase the advancements in technology, shifts in market demands and changes in regulatory frameworks. As such, these changes influence product development, production processes and market developments.
• Introduction of Eco-Friendly Accelerators: There have been recent initiatives introducing eco-friendly plaster accelerators to mitigate environmental impacts caused by this product. Manufacturers are now using the principles of green chemistry as well as sustainable production methods to develop environmentally friendly products, which conform to regulations while meeting consumer demand for sustainability.
• Advancements in Formulation Technology: Technological innovations have resulted in the formulation of high-performance plaster accelerators with improved curing time and increased durability. Advancement made over time when it comes to formulation technologies helps one control setting process even further hence improving efficiency particularly within construction activities.
• Expansion of Production Capabilities: Production infrastructure investments have grown leading to expanded manufacturing capacity for plaster accelerators. This will meet increasing demand from construction industry and support supply of accelerators both internally and externally.
• Focus on Regulatory Compliance: Manufacturers seek compliance with more stringent regulatory standards, especially those related to environment and safety concerns given that some regions are very particular about such issues like quality benchmarks hence ensuring acceptable levels only quite unlike others.
Advancements in sustainability, technology, production capacity, regulatory compliance and regional growth are the main highlights of recent developments in the plaster accelerator market. Stakeholders must have this knowledge to effectively navigate the market and take advantage of opportunities for growth and innovation.
Strategic Growth Opportunities for Plaster Accelerator Market
The plaster accelerator market presents various strategic growth opportunities across divergent applications. These are propelled by advancements in technology, growing demands in construction and infrastructure as well as changing consumer tastes. Thus identification and exploitation of these opportunities are crucial for market players to achieve growth and a competitive edge.
• Urban Construction Projects: Quick urbanization leads to high demand for plaster accelerators for the realization of big construction projects. This opportunity lets manufacturers meet builders’ and contractors’ needs through supplying efficient, high performance accelerators.
• Infrastructure Development: Infrastructural development calls for plaster accelerators with enhanced properties. Manufacturers can take advantage of this by developing products that match specific demand requirements such as faster setting time and improved durability necessary for infrastructural projects.
• Green Building Initiatives: The focus on eco-friendly or sustainable building practices drives the demand for green plaster accelerators. This opportunity is supportive towards creation of environmentally friendly products which adhere with green building standards as set up by government regulations.
• Advanced Formulation Technologies: Innovations within formulation technology enables production of high performing accelerators with better setting characteristics and reduced environmental impact. This opportunity allows manufacturers to stand out from their competitors while meeting changing customer requirements in a dynamic building industry.
• Expansion in Emerging Markets: India and China are among the developing nations that have potential to grow in plaster accelerators. Manufacturers can increase production capacities and set up distribution channels in order to address rising demand from these regions.
Strategic growth opportunities in the plaster accelerator market include urban construction projects, infrastructure development, green building initiatives, advanced formulation technologies, and expansion in emerging markets. These opportunities can lead to increased market size, improved innovation as well as competitiveness within a dynamic industry environment.

Plaster Accelerator Market Driver and Challenges
The growth and development of the plaster accelerator market is influenced by several drivers and challenges. Some of these factors include technological advancements, economic conditions and regulatory environments. Understanding such drivers will help navigate through the market effectively while making use of any available chances.
The factors responsible for driving the plaster accelerator market include:
1. Technological Advancements: Improved setting times, better performance and cost-effective manufacturing techniques are some of the innovations in plaster accelerator formulations and production methods that spur growth. As a result, this leads to high-quality accelerators necessary for market enlargement.
2. Increased Construction Activity: Increase in construction activities mainly in urban areas or infrastructural projects stimulates demand for plaster accelerators. Consequently, there has been a need for faster setting times as well as enhanced efficiency during construction thus necessitating adoption of more sophisticated plaster accelerators which advance market growth.
3. Emphasis on Sustainability: There is an increasing concern about sustainability driving green plaster accelerators demand so as to replace those ones previously used before it was realized how toxic they are to humans. Currently manufacturers produce environmentally friendly products that comply with government policies thereby protecting consumers who prefer ecologically safe solutions.
4. The Expanding Urbanization: Growing cities, particularly in emerging markets, create a big market for plaster accelerators. Thus, demand for efficient and high-performance accelerators in these urban development projects has been supporting the market growth and also providing an opportunity to manufacturers to extend their market coverage.
5. Regulatory Compliance: Market growth is driven by adherence to strict regulatory standards that ensure product quality and safety. For instance, adhering to environmental and safety regulations helps manufacturers meet customer needs as well as gain consumer trust which facilitates acceptance of such products in a market.
Challenges in the plaster accelerator market are:
1. High Production Costs: The challenge is that producing advanced plaster accelerators is costly. This results from investing into technology and being compliant with regulation hence increasing production expenditures which also affect pricing as well as the competitiveness of the market.
2. Competition from Substitutes: In relation to plaster accelerator competition, there are substitutes challenges. Cost-effective alternatives with equal or better performance can lower demand for traditional accelerators.
3. Regulatory and Environmental Requirements: Meeting changing regulatory requirements can be difficult, including those associated with environmental issues. Market dynamics of production costs will change where companies have had to invest in technological changes that meet strict conditions.
Technological advancements, increased construction activities, sustainability initiatives, rapid urbanization, and regulatory compliance are among key drivers and challenges shaping the Plaster Accelerator industry today. As such it becomes imperative for stakeholders to deal with these drivers effectively so as they would be able to navigate this terrain while at the same time capitalizing on investment opportunities even when they manage connected risks effectively .
List of Plaster Accelerator Companies
Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies plaster accelerator companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the plaster accelerator companies profiled in this report include-
• Qingdao Yuyin Chemicals
• Kalyan Industries
• Vijaya Building Materials
• Calder Industrial Materials
• Manningham Concrete
• Shanghai Landytop Gypsum Machinery
• Egger
• Eazymix
• Gyprock

Plaster Accelerator by Segment
The study includes a forecast for the global plaster accelerator by type, application, and region.
Plaster Accelerator Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Gypsum Plaster
• Non-Gypsum Plaster

Plaster Accelerator Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• Residential
• Commercial
• Industrial
• Others

Plaster Accelerator Market by Region [Shipment Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:
• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Plaster Accelerator Market
The market for plaster accelerator has witnessed technological advances, changing customer preferences and regulatory changes that have shaped its growth. Plaster accelerators are useful in reducing the setting time of plaster and cement mixtures which has been reflected differently across major regional markets like United States, China, Germany, India, Japan. These developments reflect regional variety of industrial practices, their regulatory frameworks as well as market forces affecting the overall growth and innovation of the industry.
• United States: In the United States, there has been development in formulation technology resulting in more effective alternatives to current accelerators which are also environmentally sustainable. Manufacturing firms are producing accelerators that are friendly to the environment for instance those that adhere to strict environmental standards. Furthermore, there is increased adoption advanced admixture technologies on building sites due to demand for shorter waiting times and better construction procedures.
• China: China is enjoying significant expansion in its plaster accelerator industry primarily due to its high urbanization rate and fast growing construction sector. Some recent innovations include new formulations that enhance performance while addressing concerns about environmental impact. In addition, Chinese manufacturers invest heavily on research and development programs aimed at developing highly effective but cheaper plaster accelerators. Moreover, local production capacity has grown substantially so as meet rising construction needs.
• Germany: In Germany where plaster accelerator market is focused on quality products with innovative features; German firms have taken a lead in coming up with more advanced plaster accelerators compliant with strict European Union (EU) rules. A lot of companies therefore operate green technologies besides dealing in eco-friendly products since there are many concern regarding ecological issues involved within this sector today. The market is also characterized by high levels of research activities done mainly to improve product performance as well as safety concerns.
• India: India plaster accelerator market grows up a lot thanks to increased construction activity alongside infrastructure development projects being implemented. Among recent improvements achieved include low cost but highly efficient accelerators meant specifically for a fast growing construction industry. Consequently, Indian manufacturers have to work on the quality improvement of accelerators in order to stay competitive in the market. Further, there is increase in the use of advanced plaster accelerators due to change of technology and practices used in the construction industry.
• Japan: Plaster accelerators has developed technologically with Japanese companies producing highly advanced plasters that save time and are more efficient. The trend is moving towards greener products because of regulatory compliance as well as consumer preference. However, research and development efforts are directed towards making them more efficient and less harmful to environment hence promoting market growth.
Features of the Global Plaster Accelerator Market
Market Size Estimates: Plaster accelerator market size estimation in terms of value ($M).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Plaster accelerator market size by type, application, and region in terms of value ($M).
Regional Analysis: Plaster accelerator market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different type, application, and regions for the plaster accelerator market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the plaster accelerator market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.
Q1. What is the plaster accelerator market size?
Answer: The global plaster accelerator market is expected to reach an estimated $394.0 million by 2030.
Q2. What is the growth forecast for plaster accelerator market?
Answer: The global plaster accelerator market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.0% from 2024 to 2030.
Q3. What are the major drivers influencing the growth of the plaster accelerator market?
Answer: The major drivers for this market are growth of the construction industry where plaster accelerators are widely used, growing awareness of environmental concerns drives the demand for eco-friendly plaster accelerators with minimal harmful chemicals or by-products, and rising adoption of pre-mixed plaster.
Q4. What are the major segments for plaster accelerator market?
Answer: The future of the global plaster accelerator market looks promising with opportunities in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets.
Q5. Who are the key plaster accelerator market companies?
Answer: Some of the key plaster accelerator companies are as follows:
• Qingdao Yuyin Chemicals
• Kalyan Industries
• Vijaya Building Materials
• Calder Industrial Materials
• Manningham Concrete
• Shanghai Landytop Gypsum Machinery
• Egger
• Eazymix
• Gyprock
Q6. Which plaster accelerator market segment will be the largest in future?
Answer: Lucintel forecasts that gypsum plaster will remain the largest segment over the forecast period due to it's extensive utilization in the building sector.
Q7. In plaster accelerator market, which region is expected to be the largest in next 5 years?
Answer: APAC is expected to witness highest growth over the forecast period due to high demand in the region owing to the region's abundant gypsum plaster makers.
Q.8 Do we receive customization in this report?
Answer: Yes, Lucintel provides 10% customization without any additional cost.

This report answers following 11 key questions:
Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the plaster accelerator market by type (gypsum plaster and non-gypsum plaster), application (residential, commercial, industrial, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Global Plaster Accelerator Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges
3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Plaster Accelerator Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Plaster Accelerator Market by Type
3.3.1: Gypsum Plaster
3.3.2: Non-Gypsum Plaster
3.4: Global Plaster Accelerator Market by Application
3.4.1: Residential
3.4.2: Commercial
3.4.3: Industrial
3.4.4: Others
4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Plaster Accelerator Market by Region
4.2: North American Plaster Accelerator Market
4.2.1: North American Plaster Accelerator Market by Type: Gypsum Plaster and Non-Gypsum Plaster
4.2.2: North American Plaster Accelerator Market by Application: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Others
4.3: European Plaster Accelerator Market
4.3.1: European Plaster Accelerator Market by Type: Gypsum Plaster and Non-Gypsum Plaster
4.3.2: European Plaster Accelerator Market by Application: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Others
4.4: APAC Plaster Accelerator Market
4.4.1: APAC Plaster Accelerator Market by Type: Gypsum Plaster and Non-Gypsum Plaster
4.4.2: APAC Plaster Accelerator Market by Application: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Others
4.5: ROW Plaster Accelerator Market
4.5.1: ROW Plaster Accelerator Market by Type: Gypsum Plaster and Non-Gypsum Plaster
4.5.2: ROW Plaster Accelerator Market by Application: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Others
5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Plaster Accelerator Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Plaster Accelerator Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Plaster Accelerator Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Plaster Accelerator Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Plaster Accelerator Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Plaster Accelerator Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing
7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Qingdao Yuyin Chemicals
7.2: Kalyan Industries
7.1.1: Vijaya Building Materials
7.4: Calder Industrial Materials
7.5: Manningham Concrete
7.6: USG
7.7: Shanghai Landytop Gypsum Machinery
7.8: Egger
7.9: Eazymix
7.10: Gyprock








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2025/01/17 10:27

156.25 円

161.50 円

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